Mr Ahmad Radhi Zakaria, Excutive Director/ Group CEO of Iconic Venture Sdn. Bhd. introduced Naturmeric – a health innovation based on Pure Black Turmeric (Curcuma Caesia), produced through scientific research and modern medicine recently at the Natural Medicines and Products Research Laboratory, Institute Bioscience, Universiti Putra Malaysians
It’s common hearing about various chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. But, did you know that up to 70% of these health problems are caused by chronic inflammation?
Studies show that 50% to 80% of chronic diseases are directly related to inflammation in the body. This includes diseases that we may consider normal, such as joint pain, extreme fatigue, and weak immunity problems.
However, in a world full of synthetic drugs, nature has provided an extraordinary solution to fight inflammation, which is the Black Turmeric (Curcuma caesia).
Why Naturmeric?
Naturmeric products have been formulated with genuine Black Turmeric (Curcuma caesia) by UPM. It has also undergone safety tests from recognized and highly credible laboratories.
Naturmeric and Naturmeds UPM are also in the process of conducting more in-depth studies on the potential benefits of black turmeric…
Naturmeric is also proud to announce that the product is being monitored and checked by a respectable researcher, Associate Professor Dr. Intan Safinar Ismail.
She is not only a scientist, but has led more than 10 research projects on Black Turmeric (Curcuma caesia) throughout her academic career. Now, after retirement, she has joined Naturmeric as Director of Research, ensuring that this product is truly of high quality, safe, and effective.
Black Turmeric (Curcuma caesia) is known as one of the highest anti-inflammatory healing agents.
Here are some reasons why it is so valuable:
✔ It is rich in Curcumin & Antioxidants – helps reduce inflammation & fight free radicals.
✔ Supports heart & joint health – important for those with arthritis or circulatory problems.
✔ Strengthens the immune system – helps the body fight infections & chronic diseases.
✔ Increases energy & endurance – supports an active & healthy lifestyle.
What sets Naturmeric apart from other products?
Today, there are a great number of products on the market that mislead consumers by claiming to sell Black Turmeric (Curcuma caesia), when in fact it is Black Ginger.
Naturmeric is a product that has been certified by UPM, scientifically tested, and contains 100% Pure Black Turmeric (Curcuma caesia) – not Black Ginger or a mixture of other ingredients.
Naturmeric is here to help provide solutions that have the potential to positively impact society in achieving better health in a natural and safer way.
Lets gain more awareness about the power of Black Turmeric (Curcuma caesia) and how Naturmeric can potentially help transform health and well-being for so many people the way it is meant to be “Revitalizing Health, Naturally."
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