Nov 29, 2020

I fell victim to a scam and had my facebook acct hacked...

It began with a message on messenger via a friend's Facebook asking me for my tel number... I replied and she asked me for the 8 letter code which I was confused about..

I soon realise. What she meant and gave it to her, not thinking too much about it...

Suddenly she told me "Shopee has a special campaign for the 10 th year, if I get 5 votes, I'll win a gift voucher with you. I'll send you a message send me message copy☺"

I did not think too much about it and I was a little unwell with a migraine and was also tired and nodding off.. For if I did I would have noticed Shopee had only been in Malaysia for 5 years (as another of my friend and would have been victim pointed out) ...

Suddenly she told me" Congratulations 0123386033 Customer made 2660 RM as a result of our survey😍" and I did find it too good to be true, but well, humans can never resist some extra money and after what we have been through the entire year, every little bit of extra money seemed heaven sent...

I asked her what was the catch but she smoothly ignored that question and asked for my debit or credit card...

I did find it somewhat suspicious but yeah I did not want to miss out in case it was true, so I gave her my least used debit card, my Big Pay card which had just about RM5 usable credit...

It was just minutes before she tried to withdraw RM2066 from my account, which failed...

She couldn't, of course and said the card was inactive... And she tried RM826 and RM413 which naturally failed,and when I question her why was I paying money instead of getting the money, she gave the lame excuse of no payment is completely free.....

She then asked for another card which I absolutely refused to give...

She finally gave up and block me from her FB or disappeared from the messenger....

Since I was tired I went to sleep only to wake up a couple of hours later to my concerned friends trying to reach me informing me I was hacked and spamming people to try to scam them...

I tried to access my Facebook to be horrified to find myself kicked out from my own account...

And when I try to check, or retrieved data or password, it was shown on my screen that the email and password was changed... After 1/2 hour attempt I still could not access my own Facebook account and almost felt like crying..

Fortunately, I had my friends help, and they helped reported to Facebook that I was hacked and the current user was not me.. And I tried to file a report too that my account was compromised with a new email and my Identification card to identify myself...

A friend also adviced me to go get  a police report done...

2 days later I finally got my facebook back.. And when I open the email sent by facebook it was in Turkish.. As well as my Facebook..

Fortunately, I got it back though.. Of which I am truly grateful... Thanks everyone for your help as well as my humble apologies to those who almost got scammed.. So glad you guys are smarter then me...

Let us remind everyone to NOT give out any personal details like tel numbers, identification and be sure to ask questions to ascertain the other person is really the one we are suppose to be talking to... And never give out any credit or debit card details unnecessarily...

Stay safe every one and take care


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