The movie begins with a young nun living at a cloistered abbey in Romania jumping out of a window to take her own life....
Because of the scandal and to decide if the abbey in Romania was still considered holy, Vatican sends a priest with a haunted past and a novitiate on the threshold of her final vows to investigate....
The duo head to Romania to meet up and interview Frenchie, the man who found the dead nun..
Together the unlikely trio heads to the abbey which is away from the town and all.. to uncover its unholy secret....
Risking their lives and their faith and their very souls, the trio is forced to confront the malevolent force in the form of the demonic Valak who is trying to blend in as a nun.. Valak who escape hell is trying to get out of the abbey via someone's soul..
The three are then forced to fight for their lives and their souls as the abbey becomes a horrific battleground between the living and the damned...
My opinion of the movie.. it is pretty ok as horror movies go.. with jumpscares and all.. my rating 3.5 /5...
So go watch and see if Valak succeeds in getting out or not....

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