So yours truly was happily minding her business while checking out her friend's IG when she came across a picture of a bag..
Yup... I came across a picture of a bag I could not quite take my eyes off... and it was on my friend's IG.. Yup... I was truly riveted.. immediately I decided I had to get that bag... and luck was on my side... so I am now the proud owner of a gorgeous Legasi Studio Miza Bag...
One thing about me... is that I like my bags plain.. classy but plain.. I can't quite stand the over feminine bags with lace, ribbons, all those frills which make me wanna cringe..
Second of all I love it if my bag is light and am always looking for a light bag.. after all, duh, yes, I am one of those who practically carry everything in my bag... so if the bag is heavy and I dump my load in the bag it is quite a pressure on my shoulder right?
After all, I am always on the go, going places and all over and on my feet...
The Legasi Studio Miza bag and also other Legasi Studio bag shells are made from EVA polymer (ethylene vinyl acetate), which make the bag light, resilient and waterproof...
You can never have too much choice when it comes to the bag as you can create and customise your own handbag; picking and choosing your preferred colours, handles, trims and inserts to suit any occasion, outfit or mood...
You can find interchangeable bag handles to choose from in various colours...
Legasi Studio bags doesn’t crease and keeps it shape, it is also waterproof, which is perfect considering we are in one of Malaysia's rainy season... If your bag gets wet or dirty, just clean it with some water, soap and a cloth..
You can actually mix and match your bag if you purchase extra accessories from Legasi Studio... everything is detachable and you can just customise it any way you want or depending on your mood... This means you can actually have a different bag everyday...if you choose to..
It is actually a great investment. If you get tired of how it looks or if there is a part of the bag that needs a replacement, you just buy a different part...
And pssst... have heard that even our super down to earth beloved PM's wife Tun Dr Siti Hasmah has got one of this for herself!!!
For more info and how to get this bag... do check out
