Jan 15, 2017


I do relish the taste of dribbilicious Summer Stonefruits and those juicy premium cherries which are imported all the way from the land down under….

Australia is helping Malaysian parents provide fresh, safe, healthy and great quality fruits to their families…backed by Australia’s world leading food safety standards, traceability and quality assurance…

The Victoria State Government, Australian Government and Horticulture Innovation Australia recently launched the Now! In Season campaign in Kuala Lumpur that promises our local consumers the best high quality and fresh fruits from Australia, due to Australia’s quality soil, continual supply of clean water, strict food safety regulations and innovative farm practices…

The Now! In Season campaign will be sharing the benefits of each of the fruits as well as help to educate consumers like you and me on how to choose these fruits, store them and handle them.

For example, did you know that cherries are one the ‘superfruit’. The phytonutrients found in cherries is believed to have the ability to reduce the risk of heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes and even alleviate gout and arthritis pain. Cherries are a good source of vitamin C and a source of potassium and fibre…

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If you are planning on buying cherries, it is recommended that you look for those with the green stems attached. The cherries should be plump with shiny skin. Do not purchase those that are small, hard, bruised or soft. Cherries should be consumed within four days of purchasing. You can store them in the fridge if your home gets warm and humid and must be rinsed before being eaten.

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On the other hand, Australian peaches, nectarines, plums and apricots are some of the world’s best eating fruit which are rich in vitamins A, C and E and a great source of dietary fibre and potassium….

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Peaches bruise easily so you have to look for smooth, unblemished fruits and handle them with care. Peaches arrive in the market in a firm condition and will have flesh that crunches when eaten. As the fruit ripens it will begin to soften and become more juicy.

Yellow nectarines is best consumed when they yield slightly to gentle palm pressure and can taste both sweet and tart, while their white counterparts are sweet when they are still firm and crunchy. Both types will express more juice as the fruit softens.

Plums come in a myriad of shapes, sizes, skin colours and tastes which vary from extremely sweet to quite tart. It can be a little challenging to know which fruit to select.

Apricots are completely yellow in color or orange sometimes with an attractive red blush. Their flavour and sweetness develops as the fruit softens.

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I love these stonefruits and well, enjoy the delicate sweet fragrance that comes with it….

For more information, go to https://www.facebook.com/nowinseasonmy


  1. Yes I love all their summer fruits especially the cherries.

  2. The fruits that you have in this post looks extremely fresh, succulent and sweet!
    I didn't quite know when is the best time to eat Nectarines by touch so it was good that you shared it with us. It is always wonderful to eat fruits when they are in season cos that is when it is the best!

  3. These are luxurious fruits to me because I can barely afford. However, I do indulge and pamper myself once in a while. Thanks for letting me know that they are in season already.

  4. Yes! And I love to eat cherries a lot! Actually I love to eat any fruits. =D

  5. I love summer fruits and berries because its all nutricious!

  6. I love Cherries. Great to know another brand of Cherries that I should give it a try.

  7. As such, it's worth noting that sweet cherries should be consumed sparingly. Tart cherries cause no health hazards even when consumed naturally as the sugar level in them is very low.
    pure acai berry max


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