I was watching the new Petronas webfilm. As usual, it was absolutely touching... It shows a story of two kinda suspicious looking Indian men going about doing very suspicious work, and well, everyone who encounters them are all fearful, not that I blame them as well, we do live in a place where many bad things happen, but in this case, these two suspicious characters are actually great guys helping out at a charity home. This video is absolutely good at reminding us not to judge a book by it's cover and that we should try to look for the positive points in everyone and give them a benefit of a doubt at least...
And yes, personally, I have had that experience myself, some of the friends I have look like gangsters and are not very nice to look at..(I mean not so handsome or good looking) and these people are among the nicest people around actually... and sometimes the people who are so charming, handsome and decent looking could actually be the crooks around...
So we really should not discriminate... as face it, some of the world's worse serial killers were all charming men... hahah, but no, I do not have anything against my good looking friends... they are just as awesome...