Hello and well, Selamat Hari Raya...before anything else, please allow me, Miera Nadhirah, to take this opportunity to apologise for just about any mistake, or whenever I over react (sometimes to the point of being a diva....duh), and for my shortfalls, speech mistakes, cussing, and well, whatever I as a fallible and imperfect human can have done to hurt anyone's feelings... with or without purpose...
I hope that my setbacks, mistakes and faults can be forgiven...

I am not perfect, and I know I am at fault plenty of times, so please don't hate me..
Life is too short so let's all try to be supportive of all our fellow human beings.. lately, I can't help feeling there has just been too many hate going around...
It is hard to comprehend and understand the mind of these people who seem to take pleasure in condemning and criticising others around them...

We are all imperfect humans right? So why do some of us act superior, holier then thou or like we are so perfect.. Or like someone said to me.. it might just because they are just so inferior that they have to put other people around them or bully them so that it can make these inferior people feel more superior?
There was this girl who contemplated suicide and instead of consoling her or urging her that is not the way to do things, some insensitive people instead condemned her and asked her if she is already in hell, or has she committed suicide and said she just wanted publicity..
Is this the way to treat a fellow human being... how would these people like it if that girl who contemplated suicide was their daughter or sister and other people tell that girl just that.
Why are people getting more cold, selfish, and make dragging other people down a hobby.. yeah, seriously, I think some people actually make it a hobby trying to make others feel bad about themselves...it is like an achievement to them when they can make others feel lousy or when they successful avenge themselves... tit for tat ...

Can we not just forgive each other, love each other, respect each other and help each other where we can.. not just for gains but from the sincerity of our hearts.. let's learn to treat each other and the things around us, even animals with kindness .. you will see we can actually make a difference in this suddenly seeming cold, calculative and harsh world..Think about it, and let's us do our little part in the world...it is afterall for our future, our children and so on.....
Selamat Hari Raya Miera:)
ReplyDeleteSelamat hari raya.. HOpe you had a great celebration with you love ones...
ReplyDeleteYes, let's make this a better world. Love others as you love yourself.
ReplyDeletelove not hate ;)