Thirty years have
passed after the destruction of the second Death Star and Luke Skywalker, the
last known surviving Jedi, has since disappeared. Both the First Order, a
successor to the fallen Galactic Empire, and the Resistance, a military force
backed by the New Republic and led by Luke's twin sister, General Leia Organa, desperately
search the galaxy to find him.

Resistance pilot Poe
Dameron was arrive on a secret mission to the village of Tuanul on the desert
planet Jakku, to meet with village elder Lor San Tekka, who had obtained a
star-chart to Luke Skywalker's location.

Just as their meeting concludes, the
First Order stormtroopers under the command of Kylo Ren and Captain Phasma
attacks the village. Poe and his droid BB-8 attempted to flee in their X-Wing
starfighter, but finds the engines destroyed. With no alternative, Poe gave the
star-chart to BB-8 and orders BB-8 to flee. Poe covers BB-8's escape.

After stormtrooper
FN-2187 was deployed, one of his Stormtrooper pals was hit with blaster fire by
Poe. FN-2187 went to help his squadmate, but the other Stormtrooper’s wound was
fatal, and before he died, he swiped his bloodied fingers on FN-2187's helmet leaving a trail of blood. This deeply affects
the stormtrooper, and when ordered by Kylo Ren to kill the villagers, he
refused to fire.

When Poe tries to shoot Ren, the Knight casually caught the
blaster bolt in mid-air with the Force. Poe was then taken prisoner, while the
rest of the villagers were all killed.

Returning to the
Finalizer, FN-2187 did not feel good from the mission, and Phasma noticed his
distress. She told him to submit his blaster to be checked, to check if he had
fired a shot. Knowing he would be re-evaluated and discovered for not firing on
the villagers, and with his faith severely shaken in the First Order, he
decided to desert.
After failed attempts
of getting information from Pow about the star-chart of Luke Skywalker's
location, Ren used his mind probe Force power to get the information from Poe
in his head. Ren learned that the star-charts were located within BB-8, and
informed General Hux about the revelation.

In a different place
somewhere else, on Jakku, a female scavenger named Rey was going through the
corridors of a downed Star Destroyer at the Graveyard of Giants.
Scavenging through
the Star Destroyer, she finds a piece of salvage and dropped it in her satchel.
She then goes to Niima Outpost, and drags her sack of salvage through the town
to Unkar Plutt to exchange her scraps for foodstuff, who just gives her a
quarter portion for her scraps. After taking the food, Rey heads home, to a
downed AT-AT, and makes dinner for herself. After finishing her meal, she hears
something, and runs off with her quarterstaff to check it out.

She finds BB-8
struggling from being captured by a green-skinned humanoid scavenger named
Teedo. She releases the droid and gave him directions to Niima Outpost and sent
it on its way, but BB-8 insists on traveling with her.
Rey heads over to Unkar
Plutt to yet again exchange her salvage for food, and the Crolute offered to
buy BB-8 with a payment of sixty food portions. For a while she was tempted, but finally Rey turned down the
offer. Plutt then orders two of his men to steal BB-8.
FN-2187 frees the
captured Poe Dameron from his cell, and the two steal a Special Forces TIE
fighter. FN-2187 manned the guns, killing several of his former comrades in the
hanger, and then disabling the Finalizer's turbolasers.

While escaping, Poe
asked the stormtrooper his name, to which he replied with his number. Not used
with calling a man a number, Poe names the trooper "Finn," from the
FN in his name. Finn likes the name, and decides to use it from thereon. Poe
tells Finn that the map vital to the Resistance was located within his droid.
The TIE was hit by a missile fired from the Finalizer, sending it spiraling
towards the planet below.

Finn and Poe were
thrown from the TIE shortly before it crashed, each one landing separately some
distance from the wreck. Finn made his way to the crash, where he found Poe's
jacket, but no other sign of the man, and the fighter sunk into the sand. Thinking
Poe to be dead, he discarded his armor , put on Poe’s jacket and made his way
to the nearest settlement for water.
Unkar Plutt’s men
tries to steal BB-8, but Rey fended off the thugs with her staff. BB-8 notices
a man wearing his master, Poe's jacket, and prompting Rey to chase after the
man, Finn. Rey attacked Finn, believing him to be a thief. Finn explained that
he had met and helped Poe escape the Finalizer, but that Poe might have died
during their crash.

The First Order
tracks Finn to the settlement, and launches an airstrike in attempt to search
for BB-8 and the map. Rey, Finn, and BB-8 successfully escape Jakku in the
Millennium Falcon by flying it through the Graveyard of Giants while Finn fired
on and destroyed the pursuing TIE fighters. With the TIE fighters destroyed,
they escaped into space.

The Falcon however breaks
down and left them stranded. The ship was in major need of repairs, so Finn,
Rey and the BB-8 began working on fixing it. While they were working on the
repairs, the ship was caught in a tractor beam by a freighter.
believing themselves to be captured by the First Order, they meet their real
captors: Han Solo and Chewbacca, the former owners of the ship.

Upon boarding
their old vessel, Han and Chewie went about inspecting their ship and found two
stowaways, Rey and Finn, who he assumes were the thieves that had stolen the
When Rey and Finn said
that they were taking BB-8 to the Resistance as he had a map that would reveal
Luke's location, Han and Chewie agree to help them.
Unfortunately, Han's
freighter, the Eravana had been boarded by two notorious criminal factions, the
Guavian Death Gang and Kanjiklub, whom Solo was indebted to.
While trying to
protect Rey and Finn from getting involved, Han placed both of them in the
lower corridors of the freighter while he and Chewie went to meet with the
criminals, with BB-8 accompanying them. The smuggler tried but failed to
convince both parties that he would fix things eventually, with the Guavian
Death Gang negotiator, Bala-Tik recognizing the BB-8 droid from a First Order
bounty placed on it. They demanded that Han hand over the droid and the
stowaways he have on board.
As the scuffle
continued, Rey accidentally released three rathtars. They successfully escaped
the gangs and jumped into hyperspace in the Falcon. Bala-tik then ordered his
men to inform the First Order that Han Solo and the droid unit are aboard the
At Starkiller Base, a
planet is being converted into a superweapon, powered by draining the sun, and
capable of destroying star systems, Kylo Ren and General Hux are summoned by
Supreme Leader Snoke. Hux suggested to use the Starkiller Base superweapon to
destroy the government of the New Republic and the Resistance. Snoke granted
Hux the permission to do so. Snoke tells Ren that the droid containing the
star-chart now resides in the Millenium Falcon along with his father, Han Solo.
Ren insists that his father means nothing to him, and with Snoke's training, he
cannot be seduced to the light side of the Force.
Feeling responsible
and blaming himself for that failure, Luke went into self exile.
Hans then brought
Rey, Finn, and BB-8 to the planet Takodana to meet with Maz Kanata at her
castle. Han said that she had run her castle for over a thousand years. Unbeknownst
to all, spies from different sides have taken notice of the group.

Bazine Netal alerted
the First Order, and a droid spy alerted the Resistance. While Han and Chewie
spoke with Maz, Finn headed out to trying make a deal of his own as we wanted
to get far far away from the First Order as he could. Finn hired Sidon Ithano and
his first mate Quiggold to take him away to the Outer Rim for work. Rey begged
Finn not to leave, but to help the Resistance instead. Finn, however, insisted
on leaving.
Kylo Ren sits quietly
in his meditation chamber with the burned helmet of Darth Vader in front of him,
recovered from the funeral pyre on Endor. With the re-emergence of his father
and his failed attempts to recover the map of Luke, Kylo senses a disturbance
in the Force.
He tells Vader's
burned helmet that the light is pulling him in again, and that even Snoke could
sense the conflict brewing within him. He then asked his grandfather to show
him the darkness again, and to pull him back to the dark side of the Force.
After Finn leaves,
Rey hears the screams of a young girl and finds herself wandering deeper into
the Castle to find the source. She wanders into a sub-chamber that was filled
with relics of the past. There she was called by the Force to a lightsaber that
had previously belonged to Anakin Skywalker and then his son Luke.

When she touches the
lightsaber, she received a series of visions. Rey glimpses moments in time from
the saber, in which she found herself in Cloud City where Luke battled Darth
Vader, she then saw Luke placing his metallic hand on top of R2-D2 near a fire,
and then she found herself lying in the rain at night and woke up to see the
Knights of Ren surrounded by slaughtered victims.

She then sees herself
as a child watching the departure of her parents, yelling out to them to come
back, and being told to quiet herself. Rey also finds herself being chased by
Kylo Ren in a snowy forest. Rey pulled herself out of the vision in terror. Maz
Kanata, watching her explains to her the lightsaber's history and that it was
now calling to her.

Frightened by her vision, Rey refused to keep the
lightsaber, running off into the woods with BB-8.

After gaining Supreme
Leader Snoke's permission to fire the Starkiller Base's superweapon, Hux chose
the Hosnian system, which hosted the capital of the New Republic, Hosnian
Prime, as well as the New Republic Starfleet, in order to demonstrate the power
of the First Order in an attempt to wipe out the "illegitimate"
government of the New Republic in one fell swoop. The test was a success and
Hosnian Prime, home of the Galactic Senate, all other astronomical bodies in
the system, and an unknown percentage of the New Republic fleet were
annihilated by the First Order's superweapon.
The destruction of the Hosnian
system was visible from the surface of Takodana. This prompted Finn to
re-evaluate his choice to leave.
The First Order,
tipped off with BB-8's presence, arrives and attacks Maz Kanata's castle.
Flying in with TIE fighters and Atmospheric Assault Landers, the First Order
swiftly assaults the castle and levels it, killing many of its inhabitants.
BB-8 followed Rey into the forests surrounding the castle, and the First Order
was unable to locate the droid until a stormtrooper officer reported to Kylo
Ren that the droid had been sighted in the company of a girl.

During the fighting
at the castle, despite killing multiple stormtroopers, Han, Chewbacca, and Finn
were captured by the First Order. However. Resistance T-70 X-wing fighters led
by Poe, arrives to fight the First Order. A fierce battle ensues and resulted
in the destruction of many First Order TIEs and the deaths of many stormtroopers.
Rey encounters Kylo
Ren at the woods, and shoot at him with her blaster pistol, but Kylo restrains her
using the Force, and captures her. Kylo then orders the First Order to pull
out, saying they had what they came for. As the battle raged on above the
castle, the remaining First Order troops boards their ships and retreats,
taking the captured and unconscious Rey along with them.

Han, Chewbacca, and
Finn are brought to the Resistance base on D'Qar. BB-8 meets R2-D2, who, as
C-3PO explains, has been dormant since Luke's disappearance.

Han and Leia reminisced
over the past and mourn over their son's fall to the Dark Side that also caused
them to separate, with Han returning to his smuggling business, and Leia
spearheading the activities of the New Republic and the Resistance.
As Starkiller Base
prepared to wipe out the world of D'Qar, the site of the Resistance's
headquarters, the Resistance plans an attack of their own. Finn had given them
the Base's blueprints, which revealed a critical weak point that, if destroyed,
would eliminate the Base. However, they would need to do it before the base
fully charged its weapon.
Rey was brought to
the Starkiller Base and interrogated by Kylo Ren, wanting information on the
map to Luke Skywalker. However Kylo has
a difficult time trying to probe her mind, and Rey was also able to reach into
Ren's mind. In the silence and intensity of the moment, Rey mentally fights
back and, with an intense gaze, told him that she sensed his fear at being
weaker than his maternal grandfather Darth Vader. Upon realizing that she was
Force-sensitive, she used a mind trick on her stormtrooper guard, allowing her
to escape. Rey then made her way through the Starkiller Base, honing her Force
abilities while using stealth.
Kylo tells Snoke that
Rey has the ability to use the Force, and Snoke commands Kylo to bring Rey to
him. When Kylo discovers that Rey has escaped, he threw a fit of rage.
Han Solo pilots the
Millennium Falcon to Starkiller Base accompanied by Chewbacca and Finn. Their
objective is to disable the shields and allow the X-Wing squadron to strike,
although Finn's main objective was to rescue Rey. Flying through the shields at
lightspeed, the Falcon landed roughly on the edge of a cliff.
Han, Chewbacca, and
Finn snuck into the main base and captures Captain Phasma, who they forced to
disable the shields before disposing her in a garbage chute. They reunite with
Rey, who had already escaped on her own. With the shields down, Blue Squadron
and Red Squadron led by Poe Dameron commenced their assault. They fired on the
base's weakpoint, but failed to destroy it as the First Order sent TIE Fighters
to stage a counterattack and throw the Resistance into chaos.
Seeing this, Han,
Chewbacca, Finn, and Rey tries to create an opening by planting thermal
detonators inside the base. Han then confronted his son, Kylo Ren, named Ben at
birth, on a bridge over a large pit, pleading with his son to reject Snoke and
return to the light side of the Force. Ben, removes his mask and seems almost
regretful, handed his lightsaber to Solo, and asks for his father's help, in
which Solo replied that he would do anything for him. Ben then thrust his
weapon through his father's chest.
Witnessed by a
disbelieving Rey, Finn, and Chewbacca, Han stroked his son's face for the last
time, before falling to his death. Devastated, Chewbacca, Rey and Finn start
firing at Ren and the stormtroopers. Chewbacca hurts Kylo with his bowcaster,
but Kylo chases them out of the base.
Kylo Ren catches up with
Finn and Rey in the forest, and knocks Rey out by Force pushing her into a
tree. An angered Finn pulls out Luke's old lightsaber and attacks Ren in a

However, Ren easily overpowers the former stormtrooper and gives him a
grievous injury. Suddenly, Rey uses telekinesis to pull the Skywalker's
lightsaber into her hand and attacked Ren.

During this time, the
thermal detonators went off in the base, allowing Poe to fly in and destroy the
base's weak point thirty seconds before it drained the sun to charge the
superweapon. This caused a chain reaction to go off, which destroyed the base
and levels the entire planet's terrain.
Rey and Kylo continues
fighting, and Kylo initially held the advantage. However, by calling on the
Force, Rey was able to overpower Kylo and deals him a severe wound while
breaking his lightsaber. They get separated, when a minor earthquake happens
and a trench formed between them.
Rey returned to Finn
and began to worry when Finn would not wake up and they were trapped on the
rupturing planet. However, Chewbacca arrives with the Millennium Falcon to
rescue them.

Inside the main base, chaos abounded as General Hux had departed
and there was no way for anyone to escape. Hux, meanwhile, reports back to
Snoke, who orders him to rescue Kylo in order to complete his training and to
flee the Base.
The Millennium Falcon and the remainder of the Resistance fleet
manages to escape the Starkiller Base as it erupts into a ball of fire, and
enters hyperspace to return to D'Qar.
The Resistance
celebrates their victory while Leia, Chewbacca, and Rey mourns Han's death.
R2-D2 suddenly came to life and revealed to all that he held the rest of map to
Luke's location, with the only piece of the map missing being the one BB-8 was
given by Poe. Together they completed the map and revealed the location of
Ahch-to, the planet on which Luke Skywalker was hiding.

Finn is unconscious but
recovering in the medical unit, and Rey kisses him on the head and thanked him
for everything as he slept. Then together with R2-D2 and Chewbacca in tow, Rey
follows the map to the distant planet, and journeys across the island of the
planet, which she had previously seen in her visions. She finally finds Luke
and presents him with his old lightsaber.
And that my dearies
was the end of the story…. But what bothers me most is…. Who is Rey… Initially
I thought she was Kylo Ren’s sister , but both Han and General/ Princess Leia
did not seem to acknowledge her… Or could she be Luke’s daughter?!!
Haiyooooo……. Got to
wait for the next movie to find out I guess… or can anyone tell me… LOL
All pictures sourced from Google/internet and does not belong to me... am just using for decorative and sharing purpose..

dont be sad. i pun tak de sapa apa nak ajak during premiere :(
Deletei like start war..but i not yet watch it!!!! See your post make me feel wanna watch it now~~
ReplyDeleteit's nice to watch and also read the story in writing. thanks for sharing this!! totally love it.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to watch because I'm a fans too! I like Han Solo and Chewbacca! Unfortunately Han Solo died at the end. =(
ReplyDeleteI had watched the movie too. Boys love it more as so so for girls as it involved lots of fighting.
ReplyDeleteI've not even seen episodes 1-6 yet haha! But I've seen 7 and it's really not too bad. But now I'll need to watch backwards.
the episodes are all backwards anyway... LOL
DeleteI not Star War fans but i love to see all the picture taken by you. story line look interesting.
ReplyDeleteI love Star Wars but not really crazy into it! hehe I remember I watch it when I was small kids =D
ReplyDeleteI am not a star wars fan, but do heard lots of good comments about this latest one! cheers, siennylovesdrawing
ReplyDeleteNot a Star Wars fan and have never watch any of the series.
ReplyDeleteSo thanks for the story, at least now I briefly know what's going on in the movie
nice movie and i love this
ReplyDeleteI love the intensity of this movie and also all the animation. Awesome one!
ReplyDeleteWill it be worth it to watch for people like me who never watch it from the start? I want to watch but afraid got puzzled and confuse in the middle of the story. hee
ReplyDeleteit is worth the watch even for people who never watch from the start... my daughter loved it
Deleteoh my next week i want to go watch this show already. can't wait for it
ReplyDeletefeeling like going for another round... hehehe
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