So these goodies came via courier today from Disney Channel from a contest my little girl and I entered.... both my daughter and I were delighted with the goodies....
I have loved drawing at times... since I was a kid... however I am not that brilliant at it....
Drawing is calming and can be therapeutic in some ways as well as a great way to kill time......
So here are some of my attempts.... most of them are sketched seeing another picture of course.... but hand yours truly...
Owls... they fascinate me, that is why I have two owls here... LOL
And below, an attempt at trying to draw anime.. I realize my weakness is drawing humans and hair... my humans tend to run out of proportion and I am the lazy one who does not like to erase and re draw... and drawing human hair is hard... huhuhu
What do you think..... I guess my own opinion is that they are ok... but need lots of improvement still.......

The HSLC/class 10th annual test is administered by the Nagaland Board of School Education, a state board of education in Nagaland, India. The HSLC/10th Examination for this academic year "2023" will be held in the month of March 2023 by the NBSE, Nagaland. Nagaland 10th Exam Pattern 2023 A large number of pupils take this test each year. All candidates who would be required to write the NBSE Nagaland HSLC Exam 2023 after 1-2 months following the exam are included. The Nagaland Board's Blueprint 2023 for the HSLC 2023 test will shortly be made public.