Some locals including yours truly recently received news of a mysterious happening at Kevil Hill deep inside Sunway Lagoon were invited to unearth the dark secrets buried within the mysterious walls of the Kevil Hill Cryonic Corporation (KHCC), founded by James Buchanan (JB) Kevil..
Together with some highly- trained officers from the CDC-CCU (Center for Disease Control- Cryo Containment Unit), we went on a spine chilling discovery, as we learned all aout cryonics and how one can live after dying inside Lynton V Harris' Scream Park at the Sunway Lagoon theme park....
Dr Kenny Grey here started explaining a little about Kevil Hill to us and how the brave people of Kevil Hill from a long time ago chose to be frozen in the hope of coming back to life with the help of science....
Meanwhile , Sean Choo, General Manager of Sunway Lagoon is thrilled with the new exciting experience inside Scream Park that promises lots of fearfully fun time for the bold and the daring... He expects the sci-fi world of cryonics will become an eye-opener for everyone as this is the first ever introduced in Malaysia , and in Asia!!!
Lynton V Harris, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of New York based The Sudden Impact! Entertainment Company foresees that visitors will definitely be awed as they uncover the twisted world of Kevil Hill and cryonics gone awry...
Those of us who were there were terrified out of our wits when one of the frozen body broke out of his cryo-tank...
Fortunately for us, the officers from the CDC-CCU were at hand to capture the 'zombie' before he did any harm...
Within Kevil Hill Cryonic Corporation, we had the chance to to witness the practice of preserving human bodies sealed inside cryo-tanks with extremely cold temperatures as JB Kevil continues to have his high hopes of reviving the frozen bodies all in the near future.....
It surely was spine tingling and scary with lots of shrieks and screams as we went along in our little group of six....
We met a lot of creepy and spooky living dead and mad scientists in almost every corner...
Most of us started holding each others hands and shoulders as we moved along the corridors half disorientated by the light strobes , smoke and a tunnel guaranteed to make you dizzy......
Anyway, if you did not know, Kevil Hill started life as a comic project with prolific US comic artist, Kyle Hotz who has worked for MARVEL, Dark Horse and major studios, to draw some of the biggest names characters which included Spiderman, Hulk, The Crow and Ghost Busters...
Kevil Hill Cryonic Corporation came to be when the founder, James Buchanan (JB) Kevil built it after the untimely death of his wife, Frances Jane Kevil.
What is Cryonics? It is actually the practice of preserving human bodies in extremely cold temperatures with the hope of reviving them sometime in the future. The idea is that, if someone has "died" from a disease that is incurable today, he or she can be "frozen" and then revived in the future when a cure has been discovered. A person preserved this way is said to be in cryonic suspension...
Once a person who has chosen to be frozen is pronounced legally dead, an emergency response team will step into action. The person's body will be stabilized to supply their brain with enough oxygen and blood to preserve minimal function. The body will then be packed in ice and injected with heparin (an anticongualant) to protect the blood from clotting...
Water will be removed from the cells and replaced with a glycerol-based chemical known as Ethylene Glycol, also known as human anti-freeze. The body will then be cooled on dry ice until it reaches -130 OC
And as J.B Kevil quotes:" Join me now and let us explore this future of a circular society together as one, in life, death , life." VITA. MORTA. VITA
The body will be placed into a container that will be again placed into larger metal tank filled with liquid nitrogen at a temperature of around -196 OC . It will then be stored head down so if there were ever a leak in the tank, the brain inside the body would continue to be immersed in the freezing liquid......
I did not quite scream but believe me, I was scared and the little walk inside the Kevil Hill Cryonic Corporation in the Scream Park was definitely full of terrifying but exciting moments....with lots of things that go bump and boo in the dark....
Check out the exciting new Kevil Hill trailer.....
For more information, log into Sunway Lagoon's website :
Anyway....pssstt......for fans of NOFSL, heard that Nights of Fright 3 will be returning to Sunway Lagoon in October for 15 more frightful and scary cool nights..... Watch this space.... hehehe
Yours truly with Dr Kenny.... |
Me with two of the frozen bodies comeback to life.... |
Yours truly with the great Lynton V Harris |

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