Yours truly was one of the lucky few bloggers selected to join in on a lovely Evening of Dining, Fashion, Beauty & Wellness at Flora Terrace.
It was an eye opener for sure as it was there to teach us how we as ladies have to take the time to pamper ourselves from time to time, take care of our beauty and our inner beauty as well...
Like most of my blogger friends who were there, we had a great time meeting up, mingling, trying the yummy delicious food and also sampling the amazing array of Alqvimia Essential Oils and LipAddict lip gloss which instantly plump up your lips for a more "Angeline Jolie" type of bee stung lips some people like.
Blogger friend Kylie checking out which ALQVIMIA Essential Oil is best suited for her |
Ok, let's check out what went on...Genesis Holistic Spa started a new holistic approach to wellness for day spas by incorporating energy healing modalities, alternative therapies and other wellness regimes with spa therapies. They offers an array of treatments and services that suits the different individuals using Alqvimia Essential Oil from Spain.
There are 2 types of oil and to know which type of Essential oil best suits you, you have to hold a bottle of the chosen Essential oil close to your body and test which one give you the strongest effect or strongest energy.
ALQVIMIA 100% natural products holistically treat and care for the body, mind and spirit, and this have made ALQVIMIA the favourite brand of natural beauty connoisseurs and most demanding women.
To know more about:-
Genesis Holistic Spa
Thank you to Genesis Holistic Spa for my beauty treatment vouchers. I sure love them and will be looking into some time for some wellness pampering...
Then there was M2Brands that sells a variety of end-season and pre-owned luxury branded apparel at discounted prices and I mean really affordable discounted price!!! Go check it out now if you have always wanted to own that Prada pair of jeans or Gucci jeans but bemoaned the fact that you cannot afford them because they are oh so expensive!!
To know more, check it out:
Thank you for sponsoring yours truly here with a pair of gorgeous Pur jeans . I really love them....

ISKIN New York is a leading provider of premium skincare programs that deal with various skin issues through the process of cell renewal; that is to say, product lines that initiate a chain reaction of cell rebirth from deep into the skin. They also offer impressive products that contain specialized peptides—chains of amino acids that perform specific functions like anti-aging and skin lightening agents. These specialized peptides allow everyone to enjoy the brand’s benefits for longer periods of time and without subjecting themselves to harmful chemicals.
They do have a gorgeous range of products that defy plastic surgery , like the Lip Addict plumping lips lip gloss, iBrows for brow, iHair for hair rejuvenation, iLash for more gorgeous longer lashes and such which we got to check out during the evening...
Check it out here:
Then there is Eiliya Studio that offers a range of trendy , chic & modest but also comfortable and affordable muslimah clothing. They pride themselves on creating Islamic attire that is modern, fashionable and versatile.
Check out their facebook page here:
Thank you to all the sponsors and the PR for organizing and inviting yours truly here for a great evening of Dining, Fashion, Beauty & Wellness

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