Follow on from Episode 1-8
Seung-jo isn’t happy to see Tommy at his party, since Tommy
wasn’t invited. Seung-jo tells Tommy not to appear in front of Se-kyung or him. Se-kyung heads back to her work studio
in college and takes out her sketch pad. Slowly, she writes out a list, everything
going through in her head presently.
By the end of the list, tears are streaming down her cheeks.
She wasted a lot of effort to win the heart of a man who likes her for her.

Seung-jo goes home sadly, and he hugs the Happy Bunny for
comfort. He doesn’t know Se-kyung is standing outside his home, thinking about
their relationship. She sits outside her house, crying for a bit before finally
resolving to be the girl she was before her “change.”
Se-kyung writes a letter to Cha Seung-jo, and gives it to
Ah-jung for a read-through. Se-kyung is convinced that a letter is the surefire
way to win his heart, since it worked with resolving In-chan’s problem. Ah-jung
agrees hesitatingly.
Deuk-gi comes up to her room and asks why she’s not picking
up the phone. That’s only when Se-kyung realizes she never brought it home. He
tells her to look for the phone later, as she has a friend outside waiting for
Seung-jo still cannot understand why Se-kyung would leave,
when she had been so insistent upon meeting the CEO. On top of that, she won’t
even pick up her phone. He’s confused by the mixed messages. He likes her so
much he just wants to see her right away and tell her everything and get the
truth out in the open.
Se-kyung follows Yoon-joo to a fancy hotel, where Yoon-joo
has booked an expensive room. After a glass of water, Yoon-joo explains that
when she was working in the store in Cheongdam-dong several years ago, she had
always wanted to book a room like this. She resolved to spend her following
Christmas in the same room, and the following year, she married Min-hyuk and
was able to. Now that she’s so rich though, booking the room is nothing special
for her anymore.

Se-kyung doesn’t like what Yoon-joo is suggesting,
especially since it’s hypocritical to have lived a life of luxury, only to tell
others not to go down the same path. Yoon-joo backs down, as years ago she felt
the same way. She asks if her “love crisis” has been resolved, and Se-kyung
says that she didn’t succeed – because it ended up not being a love crisis.
Yoon-joo pieces together that Se-kyung had fallen in love with the secretary.
But Se-kyung reveals that the secretary is also her White Rabbit for
Cheongdam-dong, and he’s in love with her.
Yoon-joo flashes back her history in France, without names
of course. She married Seung-jo in front of a priest, exchanging the metal
bracelets instead of rings. She had been very happy in France, and she truly
loved Seung-jo. The love came first, and the realization that he came from a
very good family came second.
Back then, she wondered if she could possibly be
so lucky as to have met him. But then, their whole marriage fell apart because
of their love for each other. Because his family was against her, Seung-jo had
given up his inheritance and his family.
Yoon-joo also points out that love isn’t just love – it also
includes everything like family background and personality. However, if the
relationship were just a business, then only one thing was important – his
background. Yoon-joo finds love and business much too different.
But Se-kyung wants to have both. Yoon-joo wishes Se-kyung
Seung-jo he finds the letter and his package on his desk
from her. At the same time, Tommy learns from his detective assistant that
Se-kyung had sought pardon for her boyfriend, and Seung-jo had granted it,
forming a crush on her at the same time because she was a straight forward
candy girl. But Tommy realizes she is no longer an honest, hardworking candy
because she had come to his party in the hope of meeting a match. He only can’t
figure out why she didn’t pursue Seung-jo and went to him for help instead.
The assistant just so happened to also have cracked
Se-kyung’s password on her phone, so Tommy goes through her recent calls. He
notices a lot are from a Secretary Kim…
Seung-jo opens the letter; it’s addressed to Jean Thierry
Cha, and Se-kyung is formally handing her resignation through this letter.
Seung-jo rushes to GN Fashion only to find out Se-kyung has
gone on sick leave. He calls up Se-kyung, and Tommy picks up without saying a
word. He hears Seung-jo’s voice calling out to her, introducing himself as
Secretary Kim. Shocked, Tommy hangs up, and he goes through Se-kyung’s texts to
find Ah-jung’s message that Secretary Kim is Jean Thierry Cha.
That evening, Seung-jo heads over to Se-kyung’s home. He
bumps into Se-jin and their mother outside the front gate, and they recognize
him as the kind secretary. They don’t know where Se-kyung went, as she
disappeared without a word. Se-jin offers to pass along a message, but he
declines. He calls up Se-kyung instead and leaves her a voicemail, then heads
to her college to see if she’s there, but she’s not.
Se-jin watches Seung-jo from her room and immediately calls
up Ah-jung, who’s in a sauna with Se-kyung. Ah-jung was right – Seung-jo did
Meanwhile, Tommy figures out the truth and orders his
assistant to find out where Se-kyung is hiding now; he may be able to resolve
this quickly.
Min-hyuk updates his mother it’s likely Jean Thierry Cha and
Cha Seung-jo are the same. Yoon-joo is disturbed hearing this, especially since
Min-hyuk finds this marriage very beneficial. Besides, if In-hwa gains a
position with Royal Group, she won’t have to fight her brother for control over
GN Fashion.
Seung-jo asks Dong-wook for advice. Dong-wook muses that Se-kyung
is running away from the truth, like what Seung-jo had done before.
Dong-wook helpss Seung-jo to search for Se-kyung by visiting
her home. He sees Se-jin instead, and once he proves to be a rich doctor friend
of Seung-jo’s, Se-jin likes him.
Se-jin coerced Dong-wook into buying seven pairs of specs,
but told him that Se-kyung is in a sauna. Then, Se-jin calls up Ah-jung at work
to warn her that she told Dong-wook where Se-kyung is, so they’ll need to warn
her sister. Ah-jung manages to warn Se-kyung in time to get out of there, and
she gets out of the spa.
She ends up in the parking lot, and spots Seung-jo’s
car. She tries to hide around the staircase, but he’s seen her. From another
parking lot across the street, Tommy watches everything.
Se-kyung addresses him as Secretary Kim still, and he goes
forth with his apology. Seung-jo confesses his true identity, and Se-kyung
pretends to be shocked. This time Tommy is parked right behind Seung-jo so he hears everything.
Se-kyung says that being Jean Thierry Cha, then he’s too far
above her in status. Tommy watches all this unfold, amused. Se-kyung finds
herself at a church, and prays for forgiveness for deceiving Seung-jo, and hopes that she can continue to love him
freely without any further obstacles.
Dong-wook is hankering for updates regarding his confession.
Seung-jo effectively says that she didn’t quite accept his confession, but he’s
Seung-jo buys soju and snacks and heads over to Se-kyung’s
house. Her family greets him at the door, confused and bows to them in greeting
and stated that he wanted to court their daughter.

He says that he was rejected because he wasn’t really
Secretary Kim.
Se-kyung arrives home, but Tommy was waiting for her there.
They head to a cafe for a a talk. Tommy has seen right through Se-kyung. Tommy
threatens to send those texts from Ah-jung to Seung-jo, thus revealing that
Se-kyung knew everything before his confession and was stringing him along. She
could confess herself, but that would make her lose Seung-jo.
Tommy offers her another option in the shape of an
acceptance letter to a design school in Paris. Tommy says Seung-jo will only
have good memories of her, and she will be able to come back more successful
and able to marry someone better than Seung-jo. Tommy will make sure of that.
To explain why he’s going to such lengths for her, he explains being tasked with
removing obstacles that stand in the way of marriage between Seung-jo and
In-hwa. Se-kyung seems sad that Seung-jo is going to be
completely out of her reach now.
Tommy finds her quite scary, as it appears to him that
Se-kyung knew exactly how to succeed in Cheongdam-dong (by making the rich fall
for her). Even though he graduated at the top of his class, it took him five
years to understand the key to success. She knows what she must do and how to
get it, and to him that marks a successful and ambitious person. He tells her
not to think too long as she contemplates her future. Instead of picking up the
letter, she picks up her phone first, and looks through the messages Ah-jung
sent her about Seung-jo. Tommy makes note of this.
Se-kyung heads home, Seung-jo catches sight of Se-kyung and
starts asking her father and mother if he’s really still too far out of her
reach socially. Her parents say no, having taken a liking to him. But even so
Se-kyung turns away and escapes to her room, still at a loss over what to do.
The following
morning, Se-kyung heads to the office and In-hwa finds some time with Se-kyung. She
asks Se-Kyung’s relationship with the CEO. Se-kyung denies any personal
relationship, saying that her ex-boyfriend used to work at Artemis and was
involved in the illegal distribution scandal.
In-hwa’s ask how Se-kyung managed to get Jean Thierry Cha to
pardon her ex-boyfriend, and Se-kyung admits it was through a handwritten
Seung-jo arrives at the party and is greeted with respect
from the GN Fashion employees. He finds In-hwa writing thank-you cards to the
VVIP guests and drawing original designs on them. He is impressed with her
personalized touch and even gives her a smile. They took some media photos
together, Il-nam arrives, with Min-hyuk and Yoon-joo.
Min-hyuk introduces his wife to Il-nam officially, and they
greet each other as if meeting for the first time. Yoon-joo joins her husband
to greet Seung-jo, and Seung-jo’s restlessness is noticed by Il-nam.
The party ends, and the GN Fashion employees leave Se-kyung
behind to clean up. Se-kyung begins removing the clothing from the mannequins,
and hears a whisper calling out her name. It’s Seung-jo, hiding behind the
sign. He wants to grab a bite with her but she dismisses him, saying she’s
still got work to do. He leaves, somewhat hurt.
She continues cleaning up, then gets a text message. As she
opens to read the text from Secretary Kim, Seung-jo sneaks up behind to peek
over her shoulder.

Se-kyung turns around, and her lips meet Seung-jo’s.
Both are surprised but he runs off happily! At least
Se-kyung gives him a little smile before he leaves.
Se-kyung and Yoon-joo go off for some drinks. Se-kyung
wonders if wanting to give up and run away means she doesn’t love that person enough;
she’s in need of guidance that Yoon-joo isn’t giving. She also wonders if
Yoon-joo’s ever gone to a church or a temple to pray.
As Yoon-joo heads to the restroom, Se-kyung steps outside to
call Tommy. She begs him to forgive her, to just let her off the hook and not
have to choose between leaving and staying. Wasn’t Tommy in her position
before? Surely he must know how she feels. Tommy says he know what she’s going
through, and had begged just as she did – but it didn’t work for him. He’s
giving her a good opportunity for when she comes back, so she shouldn’t
despair. He’ll call again the following day for her decision.
Yoon-joo and Se-kyung drank until they’re both drunk.
Se-kyung puts her head down at the table first, and realize her phone is buzzing
Yoon-joo picks up the cell phone from Se-kyung while trying
to wake her. The contact person says Secretary Kim, so Yoon-joo surmises that
this is Se-kyung’s Magic Rabbit. She texts him back, saying that Se-kyung is
passed out drunk at the restaurant. Seung-jo quickly rushes over in his car.
Yoon-joo came out of restroom, to see Secretary Kim or
rather Seung-jo rushing to Se-kyung’s side. Yoon-joo pieces
together all the clues she’s heard from Seung-jo and Se-kyung.
Seung-jo takes Se-kyung piggyback style and skips home, excited
that he’s carrying her. Arriving home, her parents berate him for bringing her
home drunk when she can’t drink. He says he only picked her up, and she drank
with someone else. He drops her off in her room, gently clearing the hair from
her face.
Se-kyung wakes up to find Se-jin and Ah-jung waiting by her
bed. Ah-jung wants to know if she has any plans tonight, as a former classmate
of theirs is having a gallery show that evening. Se-jin wants to go with
Se-kyung. Se-kyung becomes suspicious . Clearly they have a plan, even though
they claim otherwise. Se-kyung grudgingly agrees to go with the two of them to
the show.
Se-kyung went to see Tommy . He passes her the admission
papers to the design school and a contract to sign. It states that she must
relinquish everything that belongs to Seung-jo immediately and have no contact
with him, now or after she returns to Korea.
Se-kyung doesn’t sign; she’s scared to. She tries to tell
Tommy that Seung-jo really does love her. Tommy scoffs at her
Tommy doesn’t believe in love, and the rich don’t understand
love either. As a matchmaker, he creates “love” for them.
Seung-jo arrives at the gallery to find everything prepared
– piano, candlelight dinner, rose petals. The problem is, Ah-jung and Se-jin
arrive without Se-kyung in tow. Se-kyung calls Seung-jo. She knew that her
sister and Ah-jung were taking her to meet him. Everything he plans for Se-kyung
becomes a failure.
Dong-wook reminds him that it’s not over until it’s over. If
anything, he should still go find Se-kyung, show her everything he prepared and
see if she still rejects him.
Seung-jo finally locates her below some steps at the river,
standing near the edge. He runs down and hugged her, pleading for her not to
go. He tells Se-kyung the truth. He’s scared, and he’s always been. When he was
young, his mother packed her things and abandoned him. The one person he loved
left him, and he’s afraid that Se-kyung will do the same. Now she should know
that he’s not the perfect, suave, cool man that others think he is. He is just
a simple man who loves Se-kyung, and is in great need of her rescuing him. If
she can accept him, then he hopes she can stay with him instead of running
Everyone else arrived, willing Se-kyung to accept his
confession. With tear-filled eyes, Se-kyung has one request – to wait just one
And with that, she runs off, ignoring everyone, and beelines
for Tommy’s studio. She barges in to his office and returns the unsigned
contract, and Tommy’s jaw hardens.
She may lose her love if she tells the truth, but at that
point, she knows she can just give up. He on the other hand has a finished
Besides, she’s learned never to sign contracts with the
rich, because it just means she’ll be in debt and she may never get out of it.
Seung-jo remains standing outside in the cold by the river
because Se-kyung told him to. The others have huddled up inside the car . Seung-jo
is happy that Se-kyung came back, as it most likely means she’s accepted him.
But Se-kyung wants to reveal her truth first.
They come out to congratulate the happy couple and Ah-jung
takes some pictures to commemorate it. Se-kyung brings Seung-jo to a
convenience store to get him some coffee. She holds it against his cheek and
cradles his frozen face – a gesture that makes Seung-jo infinitely happier
because now he feels like they’re a couple.
Se-kyung takes Seung-jo home first, wanting to be the one to
drop him off instead for once. He can’t part with her, calling out her name
repeatedly every time she turns to leave. She promises to meet him tomorrow,
and the knowledge of having won the girl he loves makes Seung-jo tear up in
But Se-kyung doesn’t own a passport
He’s shocked that a girl who wanted to go to Paris so badly
doesn’t even have a passport. Se-kyung figured she’d apply for one the day she
finally could. Seung-jo is upset, as he made reservations at the Parisian cafes
and restaurants. Se-kyung is impressed – so this is what dating a rich,
powerful man is like? Seung-jo worries that this might distance the both of
them again by status, but she appreciates his gesture.
They promise to go to Paris one day together. He tells her
they’ll start the application process now, and guides her to a photo booth to
take pictures. But instead, he decides to just jump in with her – and a montage
of cute couple pics ensues.
They go to a bakery and feed each other slices of cake,
taking another picture with Seung-jo’s phone to commemorate their date. Then,
he takes her to a special tea parlor, and Se-kyung realizes this might be the
time and place for her to tell him.
They sit by one of the paintings that Seung-jo had made while
in Paris. He admits that he didn’t just break his relationship with his father
over his move to Paris, but also because he had fallen in love with a woman his
father disapproved of. He let go of his father first, and in return, his father
made him sign a contract to give up his inheritance and cut him off entirely.
Seung-jo was left with only 150 Euros to his name, swore to never see his
father again, and changed his name.
What’s worse is that his relationship with the woman took a
downturn as well, so while he was homeless, he painted that painting and
entered it in a patronage auction. Surprisingly, it garnered him 30,000 Euros. And
made a living with his painting. One of his clients was the head of Artemis.
The thing is, he still does not know who the original purchaser is, the one who
paid 30,000 Euros and gave him a reputation and a new life.
Once he was offered a job at Artemis, he left behind
painting as he had something else to do. What that thing was would be revealed
in that USB. He thinks that Se-kyung will hate him once she sees the USB, so he
hesitates in giving it to her right away. Now, Se-kyung feels it’s her turn to
tell her truth. She is afraid that Seung-jo may dislike her just as well, and
again, he stops her from saying anything. It’s possible that whatever “truth”
she needs to say, it won’t be as big as his. Therefore, he hopes that she can
just wait a while longer; once he reveals his secret, and she still accepts
him, then he’ll hear hers.
On the ride back, Se-kyung wonders how Seung-jo’s father
must have felt when he saw his son come back successful. Seung-jo thinks his
father hates seeing him doing so well, since they still have petty fights
whenever they see each other. But Se-kyung offers a different view: perhaps his
father is proud of him, but doesn’t know how to express it. After all, her
father never praised her for all her awards and certificates, but he quietly
collected these treasures.
Se-kyung hopes that she can hear the truth from Seung-jo
soon, as she doesn’t want to lose her nerve and never tell him her truth.
Hopefully it’ll be soon – because as soon as Seung-jo gets home, he drops the
USB into an envelope and addresses it to Se-kyung.
In-hwa tours the store with Seung-jo, talking about the
simpler designs she had in mind to emulate the simple styles seen in European
clothing in the late 1700s-1800s. Seung-jo likes her ideas, so she thinks she’s
getting closer to him. When she steps away for a call, he sees his father in
the store, having come to see him.
Il-nam asks when his son’s work day will end. Seung-jo joins
him for dinner after an awkward invitation.
They head to a Japanese restaurant, and Il-nam mistakenly
dips his sushi into his son’s soy sauce bowl. He asks after work, and if things
are going well with Se-kyung and her family. He just warns that marriage is
serious business – look at the other company presidents who had
daughters-in-law from a poor background.
Seung-jo points out that some of the sons’ arranged
marriages ended in divorce, which is worse than love matches. Seung-jo argues
that arranged marriages done pure for business don’t work out as well.
In-hwa and Mrs. Shin hope that Tommy’s chat with Il-nam was
successful. If Il-nam and Seung-jo work with each other more often, it’s
possible they’ll have a better relationship and look upon In-hwa more
favorably. Even though they were spotted eating together, Yoon-joo knows that
it happened all because of Se-kyung.
In-hwa thinks that she’ll get along with Seung-jo, but
Yoon-joo knows better. This family and Seung-jo will never be one.
Seung-jo tells Dong-wook he just had a meal with his father.
Dong-wook finds the whole thing funny but is miffed that Seung-jo still won’t
listen to his advice – such as sending that USB now. Seung-jo is still scared
to reveal the truth, because he’s afraid of losing her. So Dong-wook snatches
the envelope and offers to send it himself.
Yoon-joo calls Se-kyung to find out how things are going between her
and Secretary Kim. Se-kyung wants to do things her own way now, and that does
mean confessing.
Se-kyung is musing over Yoon-joo’s words when her sister
brings in a package. She finds a card with gibberish on it, and the envelope
with the USB.
Seung-jo frets in his apartment, but when doorbell rings,
it’s Yoon-joo. She unleashes on him – no matter what she did to hurt him, he
committed many more wrongs against her. She blames him for using her, for
ending their relationship, for “giving up everything” for her, because in
reality he didn’t love her. She thinks that when he gave up his inheritance for
her, it was his way of testing her love for him.
Seung-jo still does not know why he decided to exact revenge
– whether it was because he hated Yoon-joo and his father enough, or because he
needed to do something to save himself from despair. However, he regrets having
their relationship end without a proper good-bye. With some distance, he now
realizes that he was wrong. He’s sorry for not truly protecting her and for not
trusting her love, and hopes that she can live well from now on. Yoon-joo
collapses into her own puddle of tears.
Se-kyung finds that the USB contains the videos he took of
him talking to his father when he declared revenge, and talking to Yoon-joo
about his mental breakdown in Paris. At the end Seung-jo appears, directly
addressing Se-kyung. He explains that he’s practically written out movie
scripts when confronting the people who hurt him in the past, and wanted to see
and hear them suffer numerous times by recording their conversations.
Seung-jo admits that he’s a petty person by nature. When he
signed off his inheritance years ago, he did it willingly, knowing that he was
still wearing an expensive watch that could help him survive a few extra
months. However, his father knew exactly what he planned to do and forced him
to hand over the watch (as well as his wallet). Seung-jo didn’t like being
caught that way. The gibberish on the card is his online username, and Googling
it will lead to numerous negative comments he made against Royal Group. It was
completely immature of him but he encourages her to look up his comments,
though he is afraid that he may just ruin all her happiness.
But he stands by his belief – if they can accept each other,
flaws and all, then they must have true love.
Se-kyung grabs her coat and phone and rushes out the door,
texting that she’s going to his place. Seung-jo doesn’t hear his phone go off
and misses them. As Yoon-joo is about to go back home, she sees Se-kyung head
into Seung-jo’s building. Yoon-joo chases after her. Seung-jo sees Se-kyung’s
texts, and hurries out the door to meet her. Just before Se-kyung rings the
bell, Yoon-joo drags her into the elevator.
Yoon-joo pulls Se-kyung to her side of the building, behind
a pillar that shields them from Seung-jo’s view. Yoon-joo doesn’t want Se-kyung
to confess. Se-kyung’s confused and says she will tell the truth since he
shared his secret.
Yoon-joo finally admits that she’s the woman who dumped him
years ago. When she got married in France, her husband was none other than Cha
Seung-jo. She tells Se-kyung that Seung-jo suffered greatly from post-traumatic
stress disorder after she left, so much so that he could have died of depression.
If Se-kyung tells him the truth, won’t it tear him apart?
Yoon-joo returns home, and Se-kyung leaves the apartment
complex – only to bump into Seung-jo waiting for her outside. He warms up her
cold hands and warily asks if she saw the video. Her face doesn’t look happy or
loving though, and Seung-jo figures it’s because she’s worried about her own
confession. He embraces her gratefully, and then tells her that they have
somewhere to go together tomorrow.
Se-kyung heads home, piecing together the clues Seung-jo and
Yoon-joo gave her to figure out their relationship. She receives a text from
Seung-jo about the time and place where they’ll meet tomorrow, and she responds
with a simple ‘Yes.’

The following day, it’s the Royal Charity bazaar. Some other
rich folks greet the Shins and Tommy at the door, and are aware of rumors
swirling around In-hwa and Seung-jo’s possible engagement. Se-kyung doesn’t
realize this is the event she’s attending since she meets Seung-jo at the lobby
He takes her upstairs to meet Il-nam, and the Shins and
Tommy freeze at the sight of her. In-hwa’s expression hardens, while Min-hyuk
and Mrs. Shin are confused over who she is. Se-kyung is dismayed to see her
employers there.
Seung-jo takes her by the hand and goes right up to Il-nam
and introduced Se-Kyung as his girlfriend . Il-nam regards Se-kyung carefully.
Il-nam’s jaw drops when his son introduced
him as his father to Se-kyung. He acknowledged their relationship, and their ties
as heads of two companies.
Min-hyuk is surprisingly the angriest towards Tommy Hong for
making them feel like In-hwa and Seung-jo’s marriage was a done deal. He
dislikes the idea that a part-timer at his company won the heart of the Artemis
Se-kyung can see Tommy’s pride being torn to pieces. Min-hyuk
tells Tommy that he can never escape unscathed. Tommy can never become
successful now, and he reminds him that he is a lowly matchmaker, not even a
designer. When Min-hyuk sees Se-kyung at the hallway, he gives her a cold smile
and tells her to quit her job since she’s marrying Jean Thierry Cha.
Tommy finally emerges from the room, and he glares at
Se-kyung. But Seung-jo comes out of his room at the same time and warns Tommy
to back off from his girl. When Il-nam comes out of the room last, Tommy bows
in apology for what just happened. Unfortunately, Il-nam tells Tommy to kiss
the Pyeongchang 2018 Olympics sponsorship goodbye.
Tommy is in a bad mood when he returns to his office but
Hae-joon has some good news – he saw Se-kyung and the woman talking again, and
shows him a recording of their conversation. It’s the one between Se-kyung and
Yoon-joo outside her building, where she admits to being the one first lover of
Seung-jo, and how Se-kyung approached Seung-jo for money.
Tommy sends Se-kyung a video message, in which he plays back
the video and says that she has two options now: Paris or hell. He wants to
know her final decision.
Se-kyung starts
crying. Seung-jo is concerned over why she didn’t accept his proposal right
away and stands outside the bathroom door. He knows it’s sudden, but he
believes that his new life is with Se-kyung, and he is waiting for her to
accept him.
She finally emerges from the bathroom composed than. She
then bids him to put the ring on her, and makes her promise
Despite holding a perfect piece of blackmail, Tommy is still
frustrated. He sees himself in Se-kyung, how she’s being stepped on by other
people like he was. And now he’s the one doing the stepping and blackmailing
but he is not enjoying it.
Yoon-joo escapes to her car and calls Se-kyung to ask what
on earth she is doing with Seung-jo. She, warns her that In-hwa just asked for
details about her. She didn’t say anything to her sister-in-law, but pointed
out that Seung-jo is kind of weird mentally, and therefore Se-kyung ending up
with him is an odd choice. In-hwa wonders if Yoon-joo knows something, and
thinks back to how oddly she had reacted when Seung-jo gave her a present when
they hosted a dinner at their home.
Se-kyung meets up with Yoon-joo and shows her the video that
Tommy sent her. Yoon-joo is immediately fatalistic, believing that this is
truly the end.
Se-kyung adds that Seung-jo can give her everything she
wants – money and love. With that, she will promise to succeed in both business
and love.
The following day, In-hwa visits Tommy in his office. She
brushes him off for what happened, since the variable known as human emotion
can ruin any matchmaking plan. But what In-hwa can’t understand is why Seung-jo
chose Se-kyung over her, when she could have provided a good business
connection. Tommy has another important appointment to attend to, and In-hwa takes a
seat. She takes a look at the folders on the coffee table and spies one labeled
Cha Seung-jo.
Curious, she picks it up, but it’s stuck to the cover of his
tablet, which shows the video he was last viewing. The screenshot displays
Yoon-joo and Se-kyung talking and In-hwa cautiously reaches to press the play
button. But before she can, the secretary returns to the room to ask if she
wants anything to drink. In-hwa chooses to excuse herself, citing another
appointment, and leaves.
Tommy meets with Se-kyung in his private lounge, assuming
she’s here to pick either Paris or hell.
Se-kyung counters with her own
proposition instead. She thinks Royal Group will be beneficial to him, and tells
him that if the relationship between father and son is repaired, then Tommy
just might be able to get the Pyeongchang sponsorship deal. She believes she
can be the one to mend that bridge, but Tommy has to help her too. That’s the
world of Cheongdam-dong – give and take.
Tommy is sceptical but willing to listen. She gives him two days for a response and
Se-kyung meets with Seung-jo that night, who has already put
in a request to be relocated to the head office in Paris. He wants to marry
there and move so that Se-kyung can study in Paris, and he can work at the head
office again.
Se-kyung gets a text from Il-nam, who wants to meet with her
the following day.
He interrogates her about her family, and of course her poor
background does not satisfy him. He tries to dissuade her from marrying
Seung-jo, saying that he’s only obsessed with rebelling against him. But that
obsession has nothing to do with Se-kyung – it’s purely between father and son.
After all, hasn’t Il-nam ever tried to understand his own son? He gets up and
Se-kyung looks to Dong-wook for help. She wants to know if
she can mend the relationship between Seung-jo and Il-nam. Dong-wook reveals
Seung-jo’s recurring nightmare is visiting his father at a funeral. That dream
means that he feels guilty towards his father for letting him go, even though
he can’t breathe around him to an extent. He’s afraid of being rejected by his
father, so all of his antics are just a call for attention.
That gives Se-kyung an idea, and she hurries home to take
out all her awards and drawings that were lovingly kept by her father. She
visits Il-nam the following day without notice and gets to the point: If
Seung-jo is really rebelling against his father and doesn’t want to see him,
then why does he keep showing up around Il-nam. She shows Il-nam all of her
artwork; her father never praised her for her accomplishments either, but he
showed his pride and approval by keeping every single one of her awards and
drawings. She hopes that Il-nam can eventually reach out to his son first. Even
a sign of approval can go a long way.
She leaves, and Il-nam takes a look at her childhood

It brings a smile to his face, and a fond memory of when Seung-jo’s
art teacher had shown him Seung-jo’s paintings long ago.
Se-kyung receives a text from Tommy to meet at a certain
cafe. On her way out, In-hwa asks if she is particularly close to Yoon-joo.
In-hwa gets an idea, and has her manager find a tablet cover
with a design exactly the same as Tommy’s.
The cafe where Tommy and Se-kyung meet at is particularly
memorable for him because many years ago, he had to get on his knees and beg
someone for a chance to succeed. Years later, many people were begging him for
help and he’s had to turn down many of them. He’s seen people become frustrated
and angry, but he no longer sees it in Se-kyung; once again, he sees the desire
for a better life in her eyes, the greed. He asks if she has the confidence to
be the lady of the household; if she becomes the madam of Royal Group, she has
to promise to give him his wings as a full-fledged designer. This time, he’s
the one asking for help.
He arrives at his studio just as In-hwa gets off the phone with
someone, waiting outside. But just as they sit down for their meeting, Tommy is
called away to sign for a delivery. In-hwa takes the opportunity to switch out
the tablets, replacing his with one with the same cover. When the secretary
comes to ask what she wants to drink, In-hwa asks for the bathroom and excuses
Once in the bathroom, In-hwa unlocks Tommy’s finds the video
and adds it to her Dropbox to view later. She manages to slide back into
Tommy’s office before he comes back. A lingering glance and we know that the
delivery man was hired by In-hwa to distract Tommy.
Seung-jo greets Se-kyung’s parents formally and asks for
their permission to marry. Everyone is surprised at the suddenness of this
announcement, and Deuk-gi refuses to give his permission. Even though Seung-jo
is a good man, he knows that Se-kyung had a hard time because of him. He hopes
that she can marry a man from a normal family background.
Seung-jo assures him that he’s really a normal man, and
wishes to live a normal life with Se-kyung. But Deuk-gi stands his ground – he
will not send his daughter to a man who has cut ties with his own father.
Se-kyung pleads for him to make the first move and go see
his father, then shows him a small news article about Seung-jo’s grandfather’s
memorial rites being held that evening.
Seung-jo enters his father’s house to join his grandfather’s
memorial. His relatives are happy to see him, and despite his father’s
gruffness, Seung-jo takes his place beside his father and performs the memorial
rites together.
Se-kyung is waiting for him outside in his car, and he
finally comes back to her. She’s happy that he did it, and though he feigns
indifference, Seung-jo is kind of bashful about what he just did.
Meanwhile, In-hwa finally reviews that video from Tommy’s
tablet, and she gasps in shock. Her sister-in-law is Seung-jo’s former flame.
Her part-timer approached Seung-jo for money. The door to her room opens, and
she quickly switches to a different app so that Yoon-joo won’t see. In-hwa
greets Yoon-joo coldly.
When Yoon-joo leaves the room though, she does feel a bit
unsettled with how oddly In-hwa is acting. In-hwa wants to know how much
Min-hyuk loved Yoon-joo when he married her. Min-hyuk thinks In-hwa is still
hurting over Seung-jo and tells her to forget it. Yoon-joo’s been listening
outside the door the entire time, and quickly moves away when she hears In-hwa
coming out.
While Yoon-joo is trying to be pleasant, In-hwa just snarls at her
and grips her tablet more tightly before leaving.
The memorial
rites have concluded, and Il-nam once again looks at the photo of Se-kyung
washing dishes, which she had given him earlier with her artwork. He laughs
heartily to himself, and then thinks of how his son actually showed up at the
memorial rite ceremony.
Seung-jo wants a
reward from Se-kyung for being so good. He brings Se-kyung to his home because
he has something for her. In-hwa witnesses them go up the building and sees
which apartment lights turn on.
Seung-jo unwraps a box and presents Se-kyung her newly
issued passport. He promises they’ll fill it up with stamps together. Se-kyung
invites him to have dinner with her parents as a way to also win her father’s
The following day, the secretary informs Il-nam that there
are a lot of media outlets asking for confirmation on whether or not Seung-jo
is his son. Il-nam tells him to confirm with only one media outlet, and the
article that comes out mentions his attendance at his grandfather’s memorial service.
When Tommy sees the article, he laughs to himself, seeing Se-kyung’s influence
written all over Seung-jo’s actions.
Yoon-joo is incredulous over Tommy’s change in attitude . Tommy
isn’t the type to just make any deals with anyone. Se-kyung explains to her
that he must have accepted her proposal because he realized that working with
her is beneficial to him in the long run.
Cha Il-nam looks at all relationships as a business, so
Se-kyung ought to do something that will make her invaluable to his company as
Se-kyung then visits Il-nam in his office to invite him to
dinner that evening with her parents.. She appeals to his ego by saying that
she’s not trying to impress him with her good manners, but wants him to go for
Seung-jo. Attending the memorial service was Seung-jo’s way of extending the
olive branch, she says, and so attending this dinner would show that Il-nam is
supporting his son. She tells him the location of the restaurant and hopes to
see him there.
She then heads to the bakery to beg her father to come to
the dinner.

As she leaves, Il-nam arrives at the bakery to have a little
chat with his favorite baker Deuk-gi.
He’s really curious to know if Deuk-gi’s already had a formal meeting with the
in-laws regarding the boy his daughter likes. Deuk-gi admits that he was
invited to meet them, but doesn’t approve of the boy because he comes from a
very different economical background, and the family is a bit of a “mess.”
That evening, Deuk-gi arrives at the arranged restaurant
first, while Se-kyung and Seung-jo head over with her mother and sister
separately. When the sliding door into the private room opens, he’s shocked to
find Il-nam there. Both fathers engage in a shouting match. Their shouting can
be heard outside the room, much to the horror of Se-kyung and Seung-jo when
they arrive.
Seung-jo asks if Se-kyung is still mad at him, and thus
giving him a silent treatment. She only wishes he’d understand that his father
is trying to reach out to him, but is just an awkward guy. She wants them to
try harder but Seung-jo doesn’t want to. His father’s hard to please, and he’s
afraid that it’ll be too much for Se-kyung to bear that she’ll eventually leave
Yoon-joo still cannot dispel her doubts over Tommy’s motives
and why he’d agree to help Se-kyung so readily. She meets him in his office to
confirm that he deleted the video. As Yoon-joo leaves, she notices his tablet
and the unique pattern cover.
In-hwa is doing her own investigation. She visits the
boutique that Yoon-joo used to work at and has one of the employees look for
Yoon-joo’s resume . In-hwa takes a look at the resume when she gets it.
Everything checks out, except her reference is none other than Cha Il-nam.
In-hwa is shocked when she realizes that Il-nam is also “in” on this charade.
After the disastrous meeting, Il-nam heads over to Tommy’s
studio. Tommy is still extremely apologetic over the failed match, but Il-nam
wants to know more about Se-kyung. Tommy says that the couple truly loves each
other, and so it might be best if he just accepts Se-kyung. Il-nam regrets the
loss of In-hwa, as she was a perfect blend of business savvy and charming wife.
And is not sure if Se-kyung compare.
The following day, Min-hyuk picks his father up from the
airport and updates him on the latest news. Artemis is nearly done in taking
over Roman and their outlets, while GN Fashion is close to tying up their deal
with Royal Group. When GN Fashion gets tied up with Roman, then the three main
companies will once again be tied up together.
Mr. Shin arrives at home in the arms of his doting daughter,
daughter-in-law, and wife. They get together to eat lunch, but In-hwa is
noticeably absent from the table. That’s because she’s thinking of revealing
Yoon-joo’s treachery through the video during lunch. In-hwa looks around
nervously, gripping her tablet, waiting for the right time to speak up.
Yoon-joo, sitting across from her, can’t help but stare and wonder what’s going
on with In-hwa. She gets a little worried that In-hwa is up to something,
especially when she recognizes the identical tablet case.
In-hwa speaks up, as she has something to share with the
family. She is interrupted by a phone call when Min-hyuk is notified that
Chairman Robert just arrived in Korea. Mr. Shin then announces to the family
that they are close to signing a deal with Artemis as well, one that will bring
Royal Group on board in dealing with Artemis. With all these deals at stake,
In-hwa can no longer reveal the truth and ruin all of her brother and father’s
Seung-jo prepares Se-kyung for her meeting with Chairman
Robert. The chairman is like a father to him, having trusted and listened to
him all these years. That makes Se-kyung nervous, as she’s adamant about doing
well. She must be a girlfriend worthy of Seung-jo.
Seung-jo describes the numerous branches to Artemis and how
Chairman Robert only uses Artemis products. He describes the chairman’s tastes
in art, taking the opportunity to show her his favorite painting too and
kissing her numerous times on the lips, and introduces her to the most
luxurious and expensive wine that Robert enjoys.
Tommy also gives her a call, as he now wants to offer his
help; he takes her to a France-based bookstore where all the books about
Artemis and its branches exist. If she reads any of the books there, she will
certainly have the leg up to impress the men there. He points out that men
usually bring women to business meetings to help give that “feminine touch,”
since the men can only provide all business. Se-kyung is confident she can do
it, and flips open a random book. She looks at one of the pages’ intricate
designs and remembers an article describing Artemis as a spider with all of its
branches in a web, and it gives her an idea.
Yoon-joo heads over to Tommy’s studio again and informs him
that In-hwa has the exact same tablet case as he does. It could be coincidental,
but it makes her very suspicious since Tommy’s tablet contained the video. At
least they’re safe for now in knowing that In-hwa can’t reveal anything until
at least all the deals are signed.

Chairman Robert arrives. Seung-jo introduces the chairman to
Il-nam, Mr. Shin, Min-hyuk, and In-hwa, and Chairman Robert is very much taken
with In-hwa’s designing talent. Secretary Moon then brings out a wine bottle
for them to drink with to celebrate, and Chairman Robert is surprised to see
that though it is his favorite wine, it is not the vineyard’s label. Secretary
Moon explains that Se-kyung had specially designed the label for this location,
drawing instead a vine with each petal representing an Artemis brand. It was
her take on twisting the public’s perception of Artemis as a spider weaving its
Se-kyung arrives at the party. Seung-jo introduces Se-kyung
as his fiancee and she greets him in French. Chairman Robert loudly shows his
approval for Se-kyung, and says that Seung-jo is lucky to have someone like her.
They gather around
for some wine, and Chairman Robert asks why the suggestion for a collaboration
over the outlet came from GN Fashion and not from Royal Group, when Il-nam is
Seung-jo’s father. No one quite knows how to answer without revealing too much
of their inner motivations, and so Se-kyung pipes up. In French, she says that
Il-nam is still young and didn’t want to piggyback on his son’s success and
connection to get the deal with Artemis. Il-nam didn’t want to be a burden upon
his son, which is a nice way of glossing over the fact that father and son want
nothing to do with each other. Il-nam agrees, saying that he was confident he
could win the deal on his own merits by collaborating with GN Fashion than
directly with his son.
Satisfied with that answer, Chairman Robert leads a toast
for their new working relationship, and they all clink glasses. He also toasts
to Se-kyung and Seung-jo’s impending marriage, and this time In-hwa refuse to
raise her glass. Reporters come swarming to take photos, and practically push
the Shins away from the table.
As the photographers snap away, Se-kyung brings Il-nam over
to Seung-jo’s side so that father and son stand next to each other. While it
makes them a little uncomfortable, they are presented as a reconciled pair, and
In-hwa seethes even more at how good Se-kyung looks now to everyone.
Il-nam and the Shins depart from the party together, with
Mr. Shin congratulating Il-nam on his new daughter-in-law. He can objectively
say that Se-kyung is a very talented young lady, and even Min-hyuk has to
grudgingly admit that she is smart.
Yoon-joo has taken the opportunity to sneak into In-hwa’s
office and look for her tablet. She can’t find it anywhere, but spies a sketch
book with the design of the tablet cover drawn in it. She asks the manager what
that is all about, and he cheerfully says that In-hwa had him buy that tablet
cover for her a few days ago.
As In-hwa gets into her car outside the department store,
she sees Seung-jo coming out with Se-kyung and swinging her around in
happiness. Their happiness just makes In-hwa even more jealous. She calls up
Tommy and tells him that she doesn’t care what he’s planning now – he’s failed.
She hangs up, and Tommy’s secretary bursts in with news: the person who bought
the painting gifted to him was from GN Fashion.
Tommy calls Se-kyung to check if is she all right. She’s at
a dress shop for a wedding dress fitting. He tells her to stay put, and warns
her that In-hwa might know something. He then calls up Yoon-joo, but she
rejects his call as her husband has just come back from the party. He goes to
the bathroom first, and that’s when Yoon-joo sees that he’s gotten a text on
his phone. Suspicious, she doesn’t tell her husband and looks into it herself.
It’s a video from an unknown number – the video of Yoon-joo
and Se-kyung. Freaking out, Yoon-joo runs out of her husband’s office and
deletes the video. She tries calling Se-kyung but there’s no response, so she
calls up Tommy. Though it was an unknown number, the logical assumption is that
In-hwa sent it. Both of them freak out when they realize that Se-kyung will be
targeted as well, and that she’s not picking up her phone, so Tommy runs to the
dress shop she said she was at.
In-hwa is not done with her revenge just yet, as she has to
send the video to Seung-jo but he doesn’t notice it as he’s pacing back and
forth, anticipating Se-kyung’s dress.

Bored with waiting, he checks his phone and sees the text.
And at that moment, the curtains open, and Se-kyung stands before him in all
her bridal glory. Seung-jo’s face lights up, and it’s this happy scene that
Tommy intrudes upon. The couple don’t notice him at first, but Tommy can see
that if Seung-jo is this happy, he hasn’t seen the video. His eyes fall on to
Seung-jo’s phone on the table, where the video has been opened up.
Tommy gives Se-kyung a worried look, and she catches sight
of him. Her gaze prompts Seung-jo to look as well, and he wonders why Tommy is
standing there.

Seung-jo is clearly not too pleased to see Tommy burst into
their private dressing room, especially since he warned him to stay away. But
seeing her secret-comrade-at-arms prompts Se-kyung to step in and calm her man
down. It’s enough to distract his attention for a moment so that Tommy can
swipe the phone. He then congratulates Seung-jo and Se-kyung again and quickly
exits the room to delete the video. It takes some gall from Tommy to go back
into the room and offer to sponsor Seung-jo and Se-kyung’s wedding. Seung-jo’s
all, “Why do I want you to sponsor my wedding?” so Se-kyung tries to calm him
again. In that split second, Tommy leaves the phone back on the coffee table,
hopes that Seung-jo will consider his proposal, and leaves. This time, Se-kyung
notices Tommy returning the phone, and she starts putting the pieces together.
Tommy informs Yoon-joo that all is well , for now. In-hwa
bursts into the office, carrying the tablet that holds the video. She dares
them to erase that video, since clearly Yoon-joo must have erased the one sent
to Min-hyuk. Yoon-joo is the most desperate of the three, and she quickly falls
to her knees, begging for forgiveness.
In-hwa states that her sole motivation in sending those
videos is not because she wants to take revenge on Se-kyung and Tommy for
ruining her arranged marriage, but to punish the two gold-diggers. The only
difference between them is that both come from different financial backgrounds,
and because of that, In-hwa will never be called a gold-digger. Se-kyung also
points out that Seung-jo means the whole world to her, while he’s just a
business transaction to In-hwa.
Yoon-joo blames Se-kyung for everything – if she had never
shown up in Cheongdam-dong, no one would have ended up in this mess.
The following day, articles come out regarding the new
outlet opening, with Se-kyung pictured beside Il-nam and Seung-jo. The family’s
excited except for Deuk-gi, who’s still on the fence about Seung-jo. Il-nam
isn’t though and he visits Deuk-gi’s
bakery to apologize to him for ruining the dinner meeting. He admits that he
likes Se-kyung because she was the first person that truly tried to mend his
relationship with Seung-jo, and even brought them closer. He doesn’t want to stand
in the way of his son’s marriage, so if he could repair his relationship with
his son, would Deuk-gi approve of him.
That evening, Seung-jo invites Se-kyung over to show her
Chairman Robert’s gift – a treasured painting. Despite the grand gesture,
Se-kyung still has a shadow of sadness all over her face, which Seung-jo
interprets to be sadness over her dad’s disapproval of him. As great timing
would have it, Il-nam calls up Se-kyung to have a meeting with her, while
Deuk-gi calls up Seung-jo. Without telling each other why, they both head out…
and end up in front of the same karaoke bar.
It’s a sight to behold when they see their fathers drunkenly
singing together. When they spot their children, Deuk-gi quickly invites his
“son-in-law” to sing with him first. Approval won. Sitting with Se-kyung,
Il-nam confides that he was jealous Deuk-gi got to sing and drink with
Seung-jo. Today is a happy day for him, because now he gets to see his son
sing, and it’s all thanks to Se-kyung.
Il-nam finally gets up to sing “My Way” with his son, and
both start off awkwardly, since they’ve never sung together before. With
Deuk-gi’s encouragement, Il-nam’s voice strengthens, and father and son both
take a moment to appreciate the other’s singing. Se-kyung sings along too,
hoping that she can go about her path “her way.” When they all head home for
the night, Il-nam instructs Seung-jo to bring his fiancee around for dinner.
As soon as Se-kyung reaches her room, she gets a call from
Tommy. Se-kyung assures him that nothing happened, and that Il-nam finally
approved of the marriage and even asked her father for approval.
Yoon-joo heads to GN Fashion, where In-hwa spots her going
into Min-hyuk’s office. It’s clear Yoon-joo is contemplating on telling him the
whole truth, but she first asks her husband if he loves her.
Min-hyuk finds his wife in the hallway. Yoon-joo makes up
the excuse that In-hwa wanted to talk about her matchmaking, and Min-hyuk also
apologizes for not having replied to her question sooner. He embraces and tells
her that he does love her.
Il-nam’s secretary has made arrangements so that he will
have time to attend dinner, but unfortunately he has In-hwa waiting outside to
see him. In-hwa’s purpose in visiting is to show him something – the video of
Se-kyung and Yoon-joo. Il-nam’s face is unreadable as he watches the video, and
In-hwa explains that she is showing him because if Se-kyung enters his house,
his and Seung-jo’s name would be smeared. Yoon-joo herself would be “taken care
of” by the Shin family.
Il-nam thanks her and In-hwa smiles until Il-nam asks
her of a favor to keep this news a secret. It will not benefit any of the
parties, and as Seung-jo’s father he knows that his son will be unable to
handle it. In-hwa can barely conceal her shock over his request, even though
she has no choice but to acquiesce.
Dinner in the Cha household is a quiet affair, though
Seung-jo presents his father possible dates for the wedding. Il-nam gives
Se-kyung a tour of Seung-jo’s old playroom, where all of his toy models are on
display. These models were all Seung-jo ever loved, and when Il-nam tried to
throw them away, his son just spent the entire day scouring the neighborhood
for them. He was starved for love, but Il-nam could not bring himself to say “I
love you” to his own son every day. He hopes that Se-kyung can, and she
solemnly promises. Il-nam then asks her if she has the confidence to keep her secret
for the rest of your life and confirms that he knows everything thanks to
In-hwa. He is so tempted to kick her out and tell Seung-jo off for being a fool
about love. But Il-nam knows that his son would rather die than believe in the
truth about Se-kyung, so it’s futile to tell him anything. He won’t allow for
Se-kyung to ever tell the truth, even if it’s just to make herself feel better.
After the tour, Il-nam invites Seung-jo to stay for the
night. Father and son retreat to the living room for drinks. Il-nam asks
Seung-jo if he likes Se-kyung a lot, and he does. It’s because Se-kyung has so
much more than them, and can give so much love. He hopes Il-nam can treat the
girl he loves well. It’s painful for Il-nam, whom you can see is practically
suffocating from his inability to tell his son the truth out of love.
Se-kyung meets Tommy and tells him that Il-nam knows
everything because of In-hwa. Luckily enough, she and In-hwa were ordered to
bury the secret, so now Se-kyung thinks she can fulfill her promise to Tommy
and be Royal Group’ daughter in law
Tommy offers her another chance to go to Paris , he can
easily get her a ticket and cover all her expenses, and just take the fall for
everything. He’s that afraid that things could still fall apart this late in
the game.
In Tommy’s opinion, Se-kyung should have worked the system
within Cheongdam-dong and kept her desire and greed alive. Now it looks to him
like she’s pretty much decided to take whatever chance she can get to preserve
herself and be as sincere as possible, when before she was willing to
manipulate to protect her love. If her plans eventually crumble, her sincerity
will not necessarily help her in the end.
Seung-jo assists his father into bed after several drinks,
and his father finally opens up to him. He knows he’s been very harsh on
everyone around him, and his manner cost him Seung-jo’s mother. She didn’t
leave because she hated her son, but because she hated her husband. Il-nam
apologizes for that, and it brings tears to both their eyes.
Tommy fills Yoon-joo in about In-hwa and Il-nam’s exchange,
and the fact that Se-kyung was instructed to hide it from Seung-jo forever.
They can only hope that In-hwa will abide by Il-nam’s wish; if he told her to
keep the secret for business, she most likely would. Tommy receives a call from
his spy that In-hwa has just arrived at Artemis to meet Seung-jo, taking
Min-hyuk’s place at the meeting.
Seung-jo greets In-hwa in the conference room, and he
apologizes for the failed marriage talks between their families. In-hwa brushes
it aside and suggests they discuss the outlet’s location while watching a
video. In-hwa prefaces the video with
the pros about the location, and then clicks play. It’s the video of Se-kyung
and Yoon-joo.
In-hwa watches Seung-jo’s reaction but a smile grows on his
face. In-hwa can barely believe Seung-jo’s calm reaction. Didn’t he watch it
carefully? Seung-jo assures he did, and tells her he will get back to her once
he’s reviewed the documents regarding the outlet’s location. He leaves In-hwa
more confused than ever before.
Seung-jo returns to his office, and as the truth registers
slowly, his smile slowly turns to a grimace, and his brows furrow in confusion
and anger. Se-kyung finds the apartment door unlocked, and searches through the
rooms, but he’s not there. It worries her that he might have run away because
he learned the truth somehow. She finds him in the kitchen, where he sets up
two glasses of wine for the both of them. It looks like he’s in a good mood,
and once Se-kyung feels assured of that, then she can enjoy her wine.
Tommy gets a call from his spy and learns that the meeting
ended early, but Seung-jo seemed to have left the office in a good mood. In-hwa
storms back into the office, leaving her manager feeling perplexed.
Tommy is surprised to hear that she’s at Seung-jo’s
apartment, and that nothing has happened so far. In-hwa had told Seung-jo
everything that afternoon. Se-kyung can barely breathe as the world around her
swims before her eyes. She finally registers hearing Seung-jo calling out for
her and quickly hangs up with Tommy.
Tommy tries to call Se-kyung back but she’s already turned
off her phone. He’s reaching a breaking point in nervousness, as he can’t
figure out what’s going on in Seung-jo’s mind. Seung-jo drinks himself to a
stupor, so Se-kyung tucks him into bed. Il-nam and Dong-wook’s words go through
her mind – both of them want her to stay by Seung-jo’s side no matter what, as
they know only she can help make Seung-jo better. She holds onto Seung-jo’s
hand and silently reaffirms her vow to stay by his side no matter what, even if
their relationship came to an end right now.
The following morning, Seung-jo wakes up with the image of
Se-kyung on the video seared in his head. Doubts start filling his mind again,
but he hears plates clattering in the kitchen. It’s Se-kyung preparing
breakfast – she had stayed in the living room overnight. He smiles as she
scolds him for having such low tolerance for alcohol, and it does warm his
heart that she seems to care so much for him.
She hopes that he can show her different sides to him, rather
than always the good side. Her conversation is veering too close to revealing
her secret, and Seung-jo wants to take her somewhere, so they should eat
It’s a quiet car ride as Seung-jo takes her to a secluded,
small church. He envisions white flowers along the side, their close friends
and family sitting in the rows near the front, greeting them. She joins in on
the fantasy, waving at Dong-wook and greeting Il-nam. It’s hilarious how his
face is brimming with pride, and then when he sees her, he gives her a
disapproving glare.

They reach the altar, and the priest asks for their vows.
Seung-jo replies, “I do,” and Se-kyung follows suit. They pretend to exchange
rings, and repeat their vows. The priest then asks if there is anyone with any
objection to the wedding. Seung-jo has none, but when the priest asks Se-kyung,
she freezes up. Memories of Seung-jo once again believing in love rip her to
pieces, and she finally speaks up.
Seung-jo’s smiling face disappears. He warns her not to say
another word, as nothing has changed between them. And he leaves her in the
church to deal with her guilt and heartbreak.
Se-kyung frantically calls Dong-wook without an explanation
to see if he can get in touch with Seung-jo. He gets the voicemail too, and
when they rush over to his home, Seung-jo is nowhere to be found. She instructs
Dong-wook to stay in case Seung-jo returns.
Seung-jo isn’t in his office either, and Secretary Moon
can’t get in contact with him. Il-nam learns of Seung-jo’s disappearance when
his secretary can’t confirm their meeting time, and he immediately suspects
Se-kyung. Il-nam roars that she should have lied and denied everything, but
Se-kyung couldn’t. She couldn’t continue when she saw how much it was tearing
Seung-jo up inside.
As she walks through the streets of Cheongdam-dong, she
passes by the tea parlor he took her to before. His painting has been removed,
and one of the waitresses mentions that Seung-jo had arrived earlier and asked
the same thing. She directs Se-kyung to another gallery.
Il-nam has sent his secretary to contact the police to see
if any accidents have been reported yet. Scary how the father’s first thought
goes there. The meeting with GN Fashion is still happening though, as they’ve
all arrived. Before they can even start discussing, Il-nam informs Mr. Shin
that he will not work with GN Fashion; Royal Group will find another partner to
work with on the outlet because of In-hwa
In-hwa plays the video back for her mother and brother so
that they’d understand why the deal was cut off. Before the video ends, Mr.
Shin orders the tablet to be shut off. Mrs. Shin grabs her glass of water and
splashes it on Yoon-joo’s face. She never should have accepted a nobody like
her into her family!
Mr. Shin tells his wife to shut up and then Min-hyuk leads
Yoon-joo away for a private talk. And then, Mr. Shin turns on In-hwa, and asked
her who taught her to act so low. Mr. Shin said that the deal was worth
hundreds of millions of dollars and In-hwa wasted it on her feelings and ended
up showing her true colors, and hit rock bottom. If a business partner changes
partners, then it’s simply their loss.

Min-hyuk is disgusted with Yoon-joo, thinking that she must
have wanted to beg him for forgiveness earlier so that he would let her stay in
the family. Yoon-joo tearfully says it wasn’t all greed that motivated her. She
wanted to protect her marriage, and to be the best wife to her husband. It was
difficult for her too. At least Min-hyuk could understand a little of her
plight, as he softens a little. He’s not willing to completely end his marriage
yet, even though Mrs. Shin is pushing for a divorce based on the prenuptial so
that Yoon-joo won’t get a cent.
Divorce is the least of Mr. Shin’s worries – he needs to
find a way to salvage this deal. He worked too hard to get the outlet to come
to Korea, so he’s not going to let Royal Group take all the profits. Before the
divorce can happen, he orders Min-hyuk to find use in his wife to help them.
Se-kyung races to the gallery where she sees Seung-jo’s
painting. One of the ladies there remembers seeing him staring at the painting
for the longest time, and notes that he only left two hours ago. She runs back
out again, and nearly gets hit by an oncoming car. Startled, she returns to the
curb to catch her breath, and gets a call from Tommy. He’s heard from Yoon-joo
– it’s game over for all of them now. Se-kyung can only cry and
Tommy rushes out of his office to look for her.
He sees her walking on the street and tries to send her
home. But Se-kyung wants to find him. There’s still a lot she needs to do for
him, including proving to him that love really does exist, and showing her true
self to him. Tommy suggests that he may have returned home already, and drives
her back to Seung-jo’s place.
Seung-jo is not at home. Se-kyung goes into his study to
find a picture of Paris that she had drawn up. She gets a call from Secretary
Moon and they simultaneously tell each other of their discovery. Secretary Moon
tracks Seung-jo down and found him on the 10:30 PM flight to Paris.
Se-kyung and Tommy make a mad dash to the airport, where
Seung-jo is waiting to board. Se-kyung locates him just as he’s next to go in,
and drags him out of the line. Even though Seung-jo resists, she won’t let him
Seung-jo declares it’s over between them. He tried to forget
about her and her betrayal, but he can’t erase it from his mind. He had hoped
she could just disappeared.
Seung-jo got to reveal his entire self to her and she still
stuck by him. Now, it’s her turn.
Seung-jo thinks there’s nothing more she needs to show. But
Se-kyung points out one important fact – she is not Yoon-joo. She won’t run
away, so he shouldn’t run away either.
He’s surprised when she says Dong-wook and Il-nam were
worried about him, but is still angry that people think he’s so fragile. She
mollifies him first by agreeing with him, but then points out that he wanted
everyone to get sick with worry because he wanted the attention.
Dong-wook and Secretary Moon catch up to them, and their
concerned faces rile Seung-jo even more. Seung-jo finally leaves with
Dong-wook, Secretary Moon, and Chauffeur Kim. He realizes that Dong-wook and
Secretary Moon must have been aware of Se-kyung’s betrayal to be so concerned
over him. He doesn’t want his friend to meet Se-kyung on his
behalf, or to even talk about him behind his back.
Tommy drives Se-kyung home. She plans to meet him every day whether or not he
has anything to ask her. Tommy wishes she’d just stop right here, as he once
had a girlfriend whom he liked a lot, but broke up with her because there were
too many difficulties. Even though Se-kyung broke up with her first boyfriend
over similar issues too, she can’t give up on Seung-jo now.
arrives at home to find Il-nam waiting. Il-nam quietly says that in a few
years, none of this will really matter. Seung-jo doesn’t want to hear it, and
he kicks them all out while insisting that he’s fine. Il-nam is surprised to
hear that Seung-jo willingly came home with Dong-wook after fighting with Se-kyung.
At the Han
household, Se-kyung’s parents somehow learn of her deception towards Seung-jo.
Her mother goes in a frenzy, aghast that her daughter would do something so
low. Deuk-gi blames himself for not having been able to better provide for
Se-kyung. If he had, perhaps she wouldn’t stoop so low in playing with people’s
Seung-jo can’t sleep, unable to differentiate when she was
using him and when she was sincere. He calls up Secretary Moon to find out what
date he had met with Ah-jung to find out that Se-kyung liked Secretary Kim.
Secretary Moon hesitantly tells him that while drinking, he told Ah-jung that
Secretary Kim and Seung-jo were one and the same. That’s all Seung-jo needs to
know. That was the day before the Artemis Christmas party, and that’s proof
enough that Se-kyung knew the truth long before he told her himself.
thinks that Se-kyung is crazy for wanting to see Seung-jo every single day,
considering he must hate her so much. But that’s all Se-kyung knows how to do,
to stick by the man even if he tries to send her away. She intends to start
tomorrow, but there’s angry pounding on the door. Seung-jo beat her to it.
confronts her about the timeline of events. She knew about his identity since
December 24. On Christmas day, she wrote him a letter saying that she liked
Secretary Kim, knowing full well that Secretary Kim didn’t exist, then
disappeared because she was “sick.” She knew he would chase after her, then
went on to reject him because they were in different social classes.
Se-kyung says
he got one thing wrong: before December 24th, he became her Magic Rabbit. Not
understanding her reference, Se-kyung explains that she needed to use somebody
to enter Cheongdam-dong, and she chose Seung-jo. She admits that she needed to
use him, and that’s why she wanted to meet Jean Thierry Cha. She only planned
to use Secretary Kim, and purposely cut him out because he was too poor for
admits she really like Secretary Kim. She told herself that it would be okay to
manipulate him since she already liked him as Secretary Kim. What she can no
longer differentiate is whether she’s just playing him or really liking him
After he’s
gone, Ah-jung wonders aloud if it’s a good sign that he sought Se-kyung out
first. It’s possible that he unconsciously doesn’t want Se-kyung to disappear.
The following morning, Se-kyung intends to see Seung-jo
before heading to work, but once again, Seung-jo is pounding at their door with
the bunnies all packed up in a box, wanting to know when he became her “Magic
Rabbit.” She explains that it was from the moment he told her he was presenting
her an opportunity to work as a stylist, and now he understands why she gave
him the dolls and the questions.

Se-kyung told him that was his problem and that he hears
what he wants to hear and see what he wants to see. He doesn’t see the full person properly.
She walks off, and Seung-jo keeps the bunnies. And chases
after her. Se-kyung gets into his car.
They head to the playground where she broke up with In-chan.
That letter she had sent was essentially a fantasy, because even though it was
meant to save In-chan from being prosecuted, it was her way to break up with
him. He would be better off without her, a person that even GN Fashion didn’t
see as a designer. For the years that she struggled, she had been regarded as a
useless person. Unable to get a head start on her own career, she wanted
someone else to save her.
That’s why chose to try to enter Cheongdam-dong,
because it was a way out of her hard life.
Seung-jo just happened to be her ticket. She thought he
could really help her, so yes – she unashamedly ditched the poorer guys and
chased after him. But as she soon found out, everyone around him told her to
save him instead. She had to protect Seung-jo, and to that effect, she became
someone useful. And, he valued her.
That’s all she can say in her defense, and she leaves him to
brood. She receives a call from Il-nam, who wants her to leave Seung-jo now.
Il-nam still regards his son as a weak person, even though when Seung-jo found
out the truth, he didn’t fall apart as predicted. Se-kyung points out that
Seung-jo is trying to make his father proud and prove he can be a successor to
Royal Group in his own way. He entered Artemis because it allowed him to be in
business management in a creative field that tapped into his skills as an artist.
As for the breaking up, Se-kyung asks that he allow her and
Seung-jo to resolve it. They need to settle their issues before they can decide
whether she will leave him or not.
Se-kyung heads in to work and finds a cardboard box waiting
on her desk. The manager informs her that she’s been let go, per In-hwa’s
She bumps into In-hwa as she leaves, and In-hwa finds that
due justice has been meted out. While GN Fashion may have lost a huge financial
deal, Se-kyung messed up her own plans to enter Cheongdam-dong. But Se-kyung
notes that while In-hwa seems to have given up on the deal, she hasn’t given up
on Seung-jo yet, and they’re working out their issues.
Yoon-joo rightfully is hurt, and finds it a punishment.
Min-hyuk merely calls it a good business deal, since he doesn’t think she’s
actually worth the hundreds of billions of won.
In the elevator, Se-kyung joins Yoon-joo, carrying her
Se-kyung receives a call from Tommy, who’s heard of her
termination. He had to go and close a few of his stores due to GN Fashion’s
influence. The only good thing is that no one seeks him out as a matchmaker
anymore so he can stop being a pimp, so to speak. He offers to pick her up as
well. Seung-jo arrives in front of GN Fashion building in time to see Tommy
usher Se-kyung into his car. Suspicious of their relationship, he follows as
they head to Tommy’s studio.
When Se-kyung leaves, Seung-jo goes in asking why Tommy and
Se-kyung, are so friendly. Tommy reveals that he is helping her enter
Cheongdam-dong. Seung-jo: “What is Cheongdam-dong to you guys?”
Tommy admits to not having been on Se-kyung’s side from the
start since he was supposed to match up Seung-jo and In-hwa. He even made that
damning video of Se-kyung and Yoon-joo. However, he realized it didn’t work
with Se-kyung’s persistent nature. He may not know Se-kyung well, but he knows
that she is sincere.
As soon as Seung-jo leaves, Tommy calls Se-kyung to warn
her. She thanks him for being truthful, because that means Seung-jo will go
find her. Sure enough, the same pounding sounds on her door.
Seung-jo wants to know when she found out that Yoon-joo was
his ex. She realized it when he sent her the USB with his confession of his
past. And even though Tommy had threatened her with the video, she accepted his
proposal because she didn’t want to lose to him. She would go to any lengths to
be able to live while loving someone.
While Seung-jo finds loving the hardest thing to do,
Se-kyung finds living the hardest. Seung-jo doesn’t think her poverty gives her
an excuse to use someone’s love; he lived in poverty and painted until finally
someone saw his worth. But Se-kyung thinks he was just lucky, because no one in
her world has ever been able to become rich and happy solely from hard work.
That frustrates Seung-jo who does not understand.
We see the painting on private display, visited by Il-nam. A
flashback reveals that he did buy it through an agent. But instead of keeping
it, he had it donated.
Seung-jo can’t blame Se-kyung for the way she thought,
because she was right in some aspects. However, he doesn’t know whether his
grief over losing love from a lack of sincerity is worse than her throwing away
love because of a lack of money.
Seung-jo apologizes to Yoon-joo; if he had never sought her
out or dated Se-kyung, she wouldn’t be in such a delicate situation with her
in-laws. He offers his help in anything, but she won’t take it. He does have
one question: Did she purchase his painting in Paris? After all, his father
gave her 30,000 Euros, and the painting was bought for exactly that much. He
suspected her of purchasing it.
Se-kyung tells Tommy that Seung-jo never suspected the
identity of his painting’s buyer, when it should be the first person he should
think of. Secretary Moon doesn’t know the identity either, but he’s 99% sure
it’s one guy. Cha Il-Nam
When Seung-jo hears it from Yoon-joo, his eyes widen and his
jaw drops.
As for Se-kyung, she remembers the ending to Alice in
Wonderland – in the end, it was all a dream, and Alice woke up. Yoon-joo can’t
believe that Seung-jo never thought his father bought him that painting. He’s a
rich man’s son, so of course his rich father wouldn’t be able to stand to see
him suffer. Seung-jo is in denial that his father could care for him; after
all, he signed away his inheritance. That’s what differentiates him from
Yoon-joo and Se-kyung: Seung-jo is willing to believe that good things can come
out of nowhere, whereas Yoon-joo and Se-kyung are skeptical when good fortune
like that befalls them.
Once Yoon-joo leaves, Seung-jo looks up the business card
for Carrey Park Gallery, where his painting was eventually kept. One of the
associates informs him that his painting was sold a few days ago to the man who
originally donated it to the gallery. As it turns out, that man was the father
of the painter. That’s enough confirmation for Seung-jo, and he races to his
father’s office.
Il-nam isn’t around, so Seung-jo searches through the rooms
to find his painting on display. He finally finds it in the grand hall, framed
with a plaque beside formidable wooden doors. The truth hits him.

Il-nam appears behind him, and nonchalantly confirms that he
did purchase the painting a long time ago. He doesn’t understand Seung-jo’s
violent reaction, who feels like his father still dictated his path even though
he tried to run away. But Il-nam never meant to control his son – he just
didn’t want to see his son poor anymore. Buying the painting would allow Il-nam
to give money without getting rejected.
Seung-jo bitterly
realizes that because his father purchased the painting, he was able to get to
his current position in life. Il-nam points out that he didn’t get him into
Artemis, or make him CEO, but Seung-jo doesn’t care. To him, he feels like his
revenge against his father failed because he wanted to do everything on his own.
All Il-nam wanted was to be closer to his son as a father. Se-kyung
was right when she noted that Seung-jo wanted to be closer to him by going into
business. Seung-jo isn’t ready to accept that yet, and staggers away.
Yoon-joo heads to her husband’s office to tell him she chose
divorce. She leaves the office confidently.
She bumps into her sister-in-law at the elevator. In-hwa is
still bitter over the fact that the Roman outlet deal gets to rest on Yoon-joo’s
shoulders rather than her own, which makes Yoon-joo laugh.
She tells In-hwa to
go cheer her brother as she chose to divorce the family and leaves In-hwa’s jaw
hanging too.
Dong-wook rushes to Seung-jo’s place under Il-nam’s orders,
both worried over where Seung-jo might have gone. Dong-wook finds him asleep in
his bed, though he initially fears that Seung-jo could have overdosed on
sleeping pills. Seung-jo just wants to sleep, as it’s his way of escaping his
current reality. Even though his son is alive, it’s not comforting to know that
Seung-jo chooses to sleep all day, so Il-nam texts Se-kyung. Perhaps she can
Seung-jo does get up for some cheese and crackers and wine,
and then passes out on the couch. He hallucinates his younger self crying, and
his mother comforting him. His cries transform into a doorbell ringing, and
next thing he knows, Se-kyung is by his side, carrying that sketchbook.
He doesn’t want to see her, so Se-kyung grabs him in a
back-hug. She only came because she missed him terribly. Whether he’s Jean
Thierry Cha or Secretary Kim, she doesn’t care. All she knows is she misses
Seung-jo, and if she doesn’t see him, she feels like she’d die and embraces him
as tears run down their cheeks.
Seung-jo feels like he just woke up into a nightmare.
Se-kyung tells him that the only way for them to stay together is if he can
face the reality of who she is, and still accept her. Seung-jo is unwilling to
accept the fact that she’s a gold-digger and wants her to prove her love. Since
his father is worth a trillion won (~1 billion USD) and he’s worth 2.1 billion
(~2 million USD), then she must make that much and then go back to him. Only
then can she prove that she really loved him and not the money.
Se-kyung understands that they’re most definitely over, and
she leaves with barely a look back. Seung-jo is left heartbroken as she
shatters all his fantasies of her, but he strangely feels better because the
burden is gone.
Some time passes, and Se-kyung heads to an expensive
boutique to purchase a new outfit for an upcoming interview. Now instead of
wearing all black, she at least has a white blazer on.
Se-kyung arrives for
her interview. Her interviewers give her a B for her fashion choices and
appearance. Se-kyung does not divulge many details, giving only a ‘yes’ or a
‘no’ to their questions. Her lack of details and study abroad merit her a D.
They’re ready to dismiss her when she finally speaks up –she also worked as a
personal stylist.
She gives the interviewers a portfolio, and they discovered
that she was Jean Thierry Cha’s personal stylist. One of them recognizes her as
his former fiancee, and suddenly they mark out all her B’s and D’s, and give
her only A’s. In the end, Se-kyung did end up using him for her own career
Tommy picks Se-kyung up after her interview to go to lunch.
Both are still having difficulty getting in contact with Yoon-joo and wonder
where she’s gone. Tommy also has a gift for Se-kyung – the book Alice in
Wonderland. Se-kyung feels that that is what it means to be an adult. Time to
grow up.
Seung-jo arrives at the department store to look at the new
line of jewelry recently launched, and he overhears a new intern rushing back
into the store asking for a duplicate receipt. The saleslady kindly turns her
down, and Seung-jo is once again reminded of the time Se-kyung came back to get
a copy of the warranty.
As Chauffeur Kim drives him home, Seung-jo recognizes a
familiar figure in the street. It’s Yoon-joo.
Yoon-joo invites him to her humble cramped apartment. He
remembers that Yoon-joo was given a particular opportunity that he could have
helped her with, which would have resulted in her staying in Cheongdam-dong.
She does wonder if he and Se-kyung broke up, since there hasn’t been any news
about them lately. Seung-jo says she ran away first because she couldn’t prove
her love.
He suddenly realizes that what he thought was a dream was
not a dream. When Se-kyung had given him the back-hug, that was real. And he
had pushed her away and asked her to prove her love for him. He no longer
wanted to doubt her feelings.
Se-kyung didn’t know how to prove it, and all she could show
him was her sketchbook and her list. She can only prove that she loved
Secretary Kim first, and when she learned that he was rich, she loved him more.
Because she was happier, she felt guilty, but it doesn’t mean she loved him any
less. But Seung-jo couldn’t accept that, and he then told her to earn that
1.002 trillion won to prove her love. Se-kyung understood that meant it was
over, and so she disappeared from his life.
Seung-jo dashes over to Se-kyung’s home. She’s not home, but
her sister is, and he barges into Se-kyung’s room looking for the sketchbook.
Finally, he reads the list in its entirety. The Se-kyung he loved was the same Se-kyung that
manipulated him, Seung-jo runs in the hope of reuniting with his love.
Se-kyung just began her first day of work, this time as an
intern designer. Seung-jo accuses her of running away when she promised to
never leave and to show him her entire self. To him, it makes no sense that
she’d leave him just because she couldn’t prove she loved him. Seung-jo loves
the Se-kyung who’s in front of him right now.
And they embrace. Se-kyung pulls away first wondering if he
believes in her. Seung-jo assures her that they may not understand each other
quite perfectly yet, but they have to try. He turns around and declares,
“Winston Churchill once said, ‘Immature love says I love you because I need
Mature love says I need you because I love you. I need you because I love
you, Se-kyung. Because I need you, I love you. Now I can no longer distinguish
the difference between that.”

It’s Christmas again, and Tommy exits the Dongdaemun
shopping center to see Yoon-joo dragging out bags of her clothing. They sit
down to catch up. Tommy knows that she must have had a chance to keep her rich
lifestyle, but wonders why she gave all of that up. Yoon-joo thought her
situation was going to be hopeless, but then she realized that she could take
it out against the Shin family by ruining their chance at making billions of won.
She half regrets it.

Yoon-joo notes that Se-kyung must have rubbed off on her,
and inspired her to give up everything she had to keep her pride. As for Tommy,
he admits that though he’s happy not to be taking matchmaking commissions
anymore, he’s not making as much money as he used to. Ho-min then arrives to
tell her their bus has come, and she hands Tommy her card. Perhaps he can
recommend her humble boutique and designs to someone.
They both reckon that Se-kyung has rekindled her romance
with Seung-jo, and both are genuinely happy for her. Yoon-joo knows that she’ll
do well; Se-kyung always succeeded doing things her way.
As for the in-laws, Il-nam tries to convince Se-kyung’s
parents to move into a villa in Cheongdam-dong. Deuk-gi refuses to because he
doesn’t want to make it seem like he sold his daughter into a rich family.
As for Seung-jo and Se-kyung? They lived happily ever after.
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