President Barack Obama, Marylin Monroe, Bill Gates, Osama Bin Laden and the list goes on and on.; It is really remarkable to see these famous people in a different light. These amazing images below,are really remarkable and I can't help wondering why they did not attract that much attention previously.
Barack Obama on his high school basketball team

Arnold Schwarzenegger in New York for the first time in 1968

Bill Gates’ mug shot for driving without a license 1977

Muhammad Ali talking someone out of jumping – 1981

Audrey Hepburn shopping with her pet deer, Ip, in Beverly Hills, CA -1958.

Jimi Hendrix and Mick Jagger – 1969

Madonna, Sting and Tupac hanging out.

Paul McCartney, John Lennon & George Harrison performing at a wedding reception, 1958.

The Rolling Stones circa 1963

Ernest Hemingway’s passport photo – 1923

President FDR’s funeral in 1945

Robin Williams dressed like a cheerleader – 1980

The original Star Wars cast seen just before filming

Cameramen recording the lion roar for the MGM logo

Elton John at the piano bar aboard his private plane – 1976

Charlie Chaplin and Albert Einstein

Queen Elizabeth during her WWII service.

Elijah Wood & Macaulay Culkin – 1993

John Travolta & Olivia Newton John rehearsing for “GREASE”

A young Osama Bin Laden with his family in Sweden during the 1970s. Bin Laden is second from the right in a green shirt and blue pants.

Diane Keaton and Al Pacino on set for The Godfather 1972

Steven Spielberg and Drew Barrymore on set of E.T

Bruce Lee dancing

Osama Bin Laden after practicing judo

Hachiko before his burial in 1935

The Japanese dog was famous for his incredible loyalty. His owner passed away and didn’t come home on his usual train one evening in 1925. Hachiko returned to the station every day and waited for him to come home for 9 years until his own death.
The Beatles and Ali – 1964

Martin Luther King Jr, and Marlon Brando

Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee

Steve Jobs sitting with Bill Gates discussing the future of computing in 1991.

Adam West (Batman) & Leonard Nemoy (Spock) goof around on a drumset

Amelia Earhart getting her last haircut – 1937

Early drawings by Walt Disney of Mickey Mouse

The US-built ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was one of the first computer ever made

Marathon Runners at the first modern Olympic Games held in Athens, Greece – 1896

Fidel Castro and Malcolm X discussing politics and family – 1960

Vladimir Putin as a teenager (2nd from the left, in a hat)

Marilyn Monroe meets Queen Elizabeth II – 1956

Steven Hawking with his bride, Jane Wilde

Robert Downey Jr. and Slash

Hilter as the best man in Joseph Goebbels wedding

Last concert of Beatles on a London rooftop – 1969

George Armstrong Custer and some of his fellow soldiers, during the American Civil War.

Norway celebrates the first ever banana arriving in the country

Marilyn Monroe and Sammy Davis, Jr.

Howard Carter, an English archaeologist, examining the opened sarcophagus of King Tut.

Che Guevara and Fidel Castro

Mt Rushmore construction – 1939

A young Johnny Depp with Oasis

Sean Connery as James Bond, poses with Aston Martin DB5 – 1965

Elvis Presley during his service in the U.S. Army – 1958

William Harley and Arthur Davidson, 1914 — The Founders of Harley Davidson Motorcycles

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