Mar 31, 2014
Stop the blame game and support Malaysia
Mar 30, 2014
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at the Curve
Arts and craft for Anne
My little girl loves to join in arts and crafts activities at the mall.
Today she got the chance to join in the Fruit Ninja make your own bookmark workshop held at the eCurve.
She had some fun creating it with coloured papers and also glitters and crystal stickers provided by the organisers.
Fruits Ninja Final at eCurve
7 consolation prizes of RM100 for each of them and 3rd prize winner gets RM500, 2nd prize winner gets RM800 and the champion walks away with RM1500!!!
30 days challenge- day 18
Mar 29, 2014
Two gorgeous weddings in March..
One was the wedding of my husband's childhood / a very close family friend's daughter...
The other was of a colleague and also a close friend...
Both weddings were simple but both brides look so radiant and blissfully happy.
I wish for both newlywed couples the best of what life can offer.. Love, happiness, understanding and patience... And may both newly wed couples have their happily ever after for the rest of their lives....
30 days challenge- Day 16 and 17
30 days challenge - day 12
* 6.30am woke up
* 7.30am started blogging /editing blogs
* 8.30am prepared breakfast for my girls. Today we had omelette with sausages.
* 9.00am read emails and wake husband up.
* 9.30am took bath and get ready to leave house
* 10.00am waited for bus/ taxi
10 biggest conspiracy theories
Conspiracy theories have floated around for generations with fresh ones popping up all the time. Here is a list counting down the World’s 10 biggest conspiracy theories of all time.
Ever since photos of Mars were taken from the Viking orbiter in 1976, the answer to the question of if there was life on Mars turns out to be a yes, to many people. Photos showing a huge face staring up from the surface is definitely creepy. The pictures also showed a sphinx and a 5-sided pyramid. When
Zecharia Sitchin released findings of tablets in what used to be Sumeria, Sitchin mentioned the writings telling of the Anunnaki, a supposedly superior alien race that came down and taught the Sumerians new technology.
Many think that the formations on Mars surface were built by the Anunnaki which also opened up the idea that the great pyramids were built by aliens using humans as slave workers.
Mar 27, 2014
The day a well known news network company went stupid...
Food review: Uncle Jack Fried Chicken
They are selling 2pc set with rice and drink for just rm5.00 or the signature dish set which consist of rice, chicken chop and gravy plus a drink for rm5.00.

30 days challenge
Day 13- Somewhere you like to move or visit
I suffer from wanderlust and I love travelling more then anything. I would love to visit everywhere historical and won't mind living like a gypsy... it would be soooo awesome....
Day 14- Your earliest memory
Hmm... somehow I recall throwing my shoes at about 2 years old at a doctor in my earliest childhood when a doctor wanted to check my tonsils in a private Hospital Penang... >_<
Day 15- your favourite Tumblrs
Tumblrs? None at the moment... but let me go join and explore it ok...
Program Destini Anak Bangsa utk lepasan SPM yang tak elok keputusan...
Boleh terus apply kat uitm terdekat. Kalau keluarga berpendapatan rendah akan diberi elaun.
Boleh pilih pra sains atau pra perdagangan. Lulusan pra sains boleh masuk diploma2 yg berteraskan sains. Lulusan pra perdagangan boleh mohon utk kursus diploma berasaskan sains sosial mcm business studies, banking dll
Utk destini anak bangsa cuma ada 2 tu je lah.
Boleh semak kelayakan pun di
Bila semak kelayakan tu, dia akan bgtau program yg layak dipohon mcm kat upu online tu
Program destini tu ditawarkan di kampus2 cawangan. Boleh semak online.
Mar 26, 2014
Kenapa Wanita Istimewa
Mama pun pergi dapur nak tutup tingkap dapur, nanti masuk pulak lipas...leceh pulak nanti..dah tu, ada pulak rice cooker dalam sink..rendam lepas makan tadi..basuh jap...
susun pinggan kat rak, lap dapur..terpercik kena sambal masa masak tadi...check air panas dalam flask..takut habis pulak nanti malam anak nak susu...memang dah kering pun flask ni, jerang la air...sementara tunggu air masak, nampak pulak bekas gula dah kosong....salin la gula...check bubur untuk anak nak hantar ke taska esok..nasib baik ade lagi...ishh. lauk bila ni, semalam...dah beku dah...basuh la kejap....pergi yard, masukkan baju kotor dalam mesin basuh...penat dah ni, besok je la basuh...sidai kain lap je lah...
tik...bunyi air dah masak...salin air dalam flask...ok settle...
baru teringat tak sembayang lagi...on the way nak pergi bilik, papa tengok tv lagi...nampak pulak beg anak untuk hantar ke taska...check. ..baju 2 pasang, towel...towel kecik untuk selsema...calamine lotion untuk sapu ruam...pampers 4 keping....alamak. .terlupa pulak masukkan botol...basuh botol jap...ok settle...
ternampak pulak beg pergi kerja...emm.. besok nak pakai beg polo coklat lah, asyik2 pakai beg hitam ni je...salin jap barang2 pergi beg coklat...check semua 6 poket beg, takut la tetinggal apa2..leceh pulak..selalunya barang yang tertinggal tu la yang nak pakai nanti...hishhh sempit la beg ni...hangin je...nak kena beli ni beg baru...rasanya 25 hb ni Sogo sale nih...mana flyers tadi ek...ha ni dier..ok, catit jap kat yellow sticker, nanti lupa..ok settle...
Tetiba dengar suara papa..."..u buat apa lagi tu..tadi kata nak tidur.."...."..yelah nak tidur la ni..nak sembahyang jap..."
masuk toilet..buat apa2 yang patut...cuci muka dulu..2 jenis lak tu...adoi..gosok gigi...sembahyang. ..pakai toner...pakai treatment cream...nak lawa and maintain punya pasal lah ni...
nanti orang kata baru anak satu dah macam anak 4 pulak...huhuhuhu. ..
bukak almari...emmm. ..pakai baju hijau ni lah besok...gosok kejap..check baju papa, baju papa pun kena gosok jugak ni...kat bilik belakang...
la, napa komputer ni tak tutup ni..gelas kopi pun ada lagi, dah bersemut dah..ishhh ...masuk dapur, basuh, sambung gosok baju...gantung elok2...kemaskan baju gantung2...masukkan seluar papa yang dah kotor dalam tempat kotor...ok settle..
dengar suara papa lagi..."..i dah mengantuk ni.."..dalam perjalanan nak masuk ke bilik...owh. ..pokok aku dah nak mati ni ha..lupa dah 3 hari tak siram...ok, siram jap...check jap pintu ni...sah tak kunci lagi...grill pun tak kalau tak check ni, senang2 je mat indon masuk rompak rumah aku...bukak lampu luar..
ni mainan ni sepah2...masukkan la dalam bakul mainan budak ni...banyak nya...sampai bawah meja makan pun ade...adoi.. ..ok dah ...
ok dah boleh baring...adoi sakitnya pinggang...cium si comel ni kejap...selimutkan die...lah..kenapa basah ni...emm, tukar la pempers ni...tak bagus lah brand ni, nanti nak tukar lain lah...nanti pergi Sogo 25 hb ni beli lah sekali...ok sayang tidur k...kalau boleh jangan la bangun tengah malam ni eh..tidur sampai pagi ok...good nite..sweet dreams...
aaahh...sedapnya dapat baring...mana pulak lotion sapu kurus aku nih...ha, ni dia...sambil sapu lotion kurus... setkan alarm...setkan program kerja esok...pagi pukul 9.30 ada meeting..
ahh...boring. ..panas pulak lotion nih..dah lah...emm..sedapnya lelapkan mata...Ya Allah...terima kasih untuk rezekiMU hari ini,. ..mohon keberkatan dari mu tuhan...papa pun bangun tutup tv..."...i dah mengantuk sangat ni...nak tido lah...citer pun tak best malam ni, bola pun takde..."...selang seminit ...dengar suara papa berkeruh...dah agak dah....
So?....apa yang peliknya..??
Anda tahu kenapa wanita hidup lebih lama?...
Mar 25, 2014
The Best Time
Starring Janine Chang (張鈞甯) and Wallace Chung (鍾漢良), mainland Chinese idol drama series Best Time <最美的時光> premiered on Astro Quan Jia sometime February 2014, taking over the slot of Painted Skin 2. It is aired every Sunday at 1pm with a marathon of 5 episodes per week or catch ups at about 6pm every day Monday to Friday and a few other slots at different time.
Best Time is an adaptation of Tong Hua’s (桐华) 2012 hit novel The Most Beautiful Time <最美的時光>, which was first published in 2009 under the title The Secret Buried By Time <被时光掩埋的秘密>.
Tong Hua is supposedly one of China’s most famous contemporary romance novelists, and is best known for her historical fiction novels Bu Bu Jing Xin < 步步惊心> (2006), Ballad of the Desert <大漠谣> (2006), and Yun Zhong Ge <云中歌> (2007).
The series stars Janine Chang as the female lead Su Man, a naïve and pure-hearted girl who has blindly in love with the mysterious Song Yi (Jia Nailiang 贾乃亮) ever since high school for over 10 years.
She went as far as to start working with a huge conglomerate called Maigu hust to get close to him. Having been deeply hurt in a former relationship, Song Yi is reluctant to accept Su Man’s love.
Despite Song Yi’s rejections, Su Man earns the affections of her superior Lu Li Cheng (Wallace Chung), a successful young man who maintains a cold demeanor on the outside but is warm-hearted in the inside.
He falls for Su Man’s charms, and upon knowing that Su Man is in love with another, he willingly stands by Su Man to protect her. (Watching his sacrifices and all for the silly Su Man make me fall in love with him- Lu Li Cheng myself...)
Su Man’s relationship with Lu Licheng and Song Yi are not only the main focus in the drama.
Lu Licheng and Song Yi, both executives of a top listed company in the country, are seen as equals and both are in a power struggle in the company.
Best Time is also said to be the first of four dramas starring Wallace Chung that will be airing in 2014. After Best Time, Wallace’s The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils <天龙八部>, The Stand-In <十月围城>, and Warriors of the City <勇士之城> are slated to air throughout 2014.
(And oh my God.. I think I have a crush on him too... I so love his character and his acting... why am I not lucky to get a man who loves me like that..... hehehe....)
A scary car ride..
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Picture from Google-illustration only... |
Mar 23, 2014
Mar 22, 2014
30 days challenge - Day 11
Day 11- put your IPod on shuffle and write down 10 songs that pop up...
1) Adele - Set Fire to the Rain
2) Click Five - Don't Let Me Go
3) Park Jang Hyun - Love is....
4) Demi Lovato - Heart Attack
5) Imagine Dragons - Radioactive
6) Selena Gomez - Who Says..
7) Katy Perry - Roar
8) Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest
9) Cecilia Liu - Season of waiting
10) Pink and Nate Reuss - Just Give Me a Reason
Fragrance review - Jimmy Choo's Exotic
- Top: blackcurrant sorbet, pink grapefruit.
- Heart: passion flower, tiger orchid.
- Bottom: raspberry, Indonesian patchouli.
XOX Berhad enters Joint Venture with e-horizon
Mar 21, 2014
Faber Castell event @One Utama
30 days challenge - Day 10
errrmmm... hmmm..... ahhh.... ok. First love? Hmm.... I really don't know what to say. My first love if it was in school definitely did not know I exist. LOL.
My first love out of school was when I was 17+ or 18 whom I dated for a little while, was the small factory's head supervisor and my boss's brother in law.
My first kiss? Gross. Enough said!!!
Actifry by Tefal
Tefal’s Actifry lets you cook guilt-free chips in the bottom cooking pan and chicken, fish, steaks or chops on the cooking plate above.
Patented French technology circulates hot air (170 degrees Celcius) all around for healthier cooking, and you get great healthy cooked food with only 3% fat.
Super convenient, Tefal have perfected their clever 2-in-1 cooker. You can cook plenty with this; dry chicken curry, stir-fry veg, rice with prawns, scampi with potato wedges and more, even desserts!
There is a stirring paddle in the middle of the pan that stirs your food for you so you don't have to worry about stirring your food.
There’s more good news too –
- Can be used with or without the upper cooking plate.
- Cook up to a maximum of 1.5kg chips at a time
- Clear lid lets you keep an eye on progress.
- Less odour and splashes than a traditional deep fat fryer.
- Easy to clean – there’s no oil to filter and the pan, plate and are Dishwasher safe
- It is very quiet.
Retail price RM999

Mar 20, 2014
Biasiswa lepasan SPM / SPM scholarships offered
Biasiswa Tun Rahah
PETRONAS Education Sponsorship (Degree) Programme 2014
Uplands Sixth-Form International Education Scholarship 2014
Kuok Foundation Scholarship for Malaysia Polytechnics 2014
MNRB Scholarship Fund 2014
Yayasan Pelajaran MARA JAD-MJHEP Scholarship 2014/2019
PETRONAS Education Sponsorship (Degree) Programme 2014
SHELL Malaysia Scholarship (Undergraduate) 2014
UC College of Engineering Malaysia Scholarships 2014
Maybank Foundation Scholarship Award 2014
Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) Scholarship Award 2014
Astro Scholarship Award 2014
Karangkraf Education Fund
KPM MyBrainSc Scholarship Scheme 2014
Khazanah Nasional
Sime Darby
Bank Negara Malaysia